Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Technical difficulties...

There is a reason I haven't been posting recently, for some reason..the past two weeks, I haven't been able to log into my page. Someone must have hacked into my account and stopped me from posting...bc I'm becoming so popular across the world! I actually have some stuff to say as of late, which makes the technical difficulties even more difficult for me to handle...

Coming up soon on Cape Cod Connection:

-Eric Mabee Guest post
- and much muchhhh more!

Let's hope Jonny Flynn doesn't bail out on the Timberwolves to play professional Ping Pong?!?!?!
Jonny Flynn pursuing his dream

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

British Open Picks

Frontrunner: Tiger Woods

Contender: Steve Stricker

Young Gun: Martin Kaymer

Long Shot: JD (John Daly)... David Duval US Open... JD British

Ouch... RJ

Richard Jefferson gets cold feet, leaves bride at altar
By J.E. Skeets

Warning: This has virtually nothing to do with the NBA — it's off-the-court gossip. I only post it because I have to attend a friend's wedding this Friday, and, well, I sort of hope there's Black Amex credit card waiting for me when I stroll into the church. Here's a toaster! Now where's that plastic?
Richard Jefferson(notes), who was traded in June from the Bucks to the Spurs, got cold feet, dumped his stunning fiancĂ©e — onetime Nets dancer Kesha Ni'Cole Nichols — and pulled the proverbial plug on his $2 million Manhattan wedding on Saturday.
According to the New York Post, Jefferson's decision was so last-minute that some his guests still showed up.
"He called about two hours before the wedding. It was nuts," said one Jefferson pal.
He never showed up at the hotel, but "all his boys were there," the friend said. "He gave his best friend the Black Amex [credit card] for the night."
Jefferson's guests made good use of the credit card to party on their pal's dime.
I bet they did.
According to HoopsHype, Jefferson is set to make $14.2 million this season, and $15 million in 2011. I've done the math, and, yes, he could afford to throw a solid little wedding (or non-wedding party) every damn weekend. That's real love.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Summer Summer time....

So my rant about the weather last week, completely worked... ever since I posted that, I don't think it has really rained much other than the most vocal thunderstorm I've heard before, a couple days ago. I woke up from my sleep, from the light of the lightening and then Sophie and I were rocked with a huuuuuuugggeeeee booooom! So other than that little shindig, the weather has been really really nice, back to typical Cape Cod summertime! This means that the golf course has been crawling with old farts wanting to play some stick, although the pretty much just slap it around and find something to bitch about. These people are ridiculous, they honestly play golf every fucking day... seriously like 5 or 6 days a week... and they are absolutely horrible, like the worst golfers at a single club probably in the country... I honestly wouldn't be suprised if that was the case. And everyday no matter the circumstances, they find something to complain about.. Do they realize that they play golf, get food cooked for them, have a bottle of wine and then go out to dinner and then go back to their castle.... I mean actually most of the people are pretty cool, probably about 85'% are really nice, especially once you get to know them and act like you care.... With long hours at the club, and the start of 2 month long junior camps... I come home beat to the max. The junior camps consist of us spending almost 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for 7 weeks... giving group lesson of anywhere from 6-22 kids at a time, of kids from the ages of 4-13... I'm telling you, trying to keep 10, 5 year olds on task doing something golf related for 30 mins is quite the task, those little runts day in and day out, take a tool on you at the end of the week...and then the weekend is usually the busiest time of the week. uffff taaaaaaaaa! Alright I'm done venting... Got some tickets to a Sox game in a couple weeks, amazing seats... should be a blast!

This the greatest music video ever... how fucked up are these guys?!?! How bout the chops on one of the singers?!?! Are they blowing into a bottle as a musical instrument? WTF!?!?!? But hey.... sing along people!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best 18 holes of mini golf in Madison....hahahah

seeing as I've played Vitense mini golf way too many times to remember... this video is fucking horrible, and I can't believe it made it to

Thank you Rob Shultz

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What's Summer?

The past two summers on Cape have been absolutely remarkable... you woke up and knew what you were going to get, a sunny 80 degree day with a nice cool ocean breeze. I would always tell people how crazy it was, because everyday seemed to be the same.. never got really really hot, not too cool.. just a nice standard Cape summer day.. Until this summer, for most of June and now continuing into July it has been dismal.. highs of 62, 40 mph winds... however bad you want it, we've had it this summer. But the worst trait Bitch Nature has brought us is the rain season... I feel like i'm in the fucking rain forest here, except there is no fuckin forest. It has honestly at some point rained like 25 out of the last 30 days... It makes days of a golf pro, long and mind numbing.. everyone talks about it, its all you hear everyday..

Dear Rain Monster,

Please go back to your home...



ps- tell Snow Monster that I don't miss him, thanks!