Thursday, July 2, 2009

What's Summer?

The past two summers on Cape have been absolutely remarkable... you woke up and knew what you were going to get, a sunny 80 degree day with a nice cool ocean breeze. I would always tell people how crazy it was, because everyday seemed to be the same.. never got really really hot, not too cool.. just a nice standard Cape summer day.. Until this summer, for most of June and now continuing into July it has been dismal.. highs of 62, 40 mph winds... however bad you want it, we've had it this summer. But the worst trait Bitch Nature has brought us is the rain season... I feel like i'm in the fucking rain forest here, except there is no fuckin forest. It has honestly at some point rained like 25 out of the last 30 days... It makes days of a golf pro, long and mind numbing.. everyone talks about it, its all you hear everyday..

Dear Rain Monster,

Please go back to your home...



ps- tell Snow Monster that I don't miss him, thanks!

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