Saturday, August 1, 2009

NCAA Worst Mascots?

Wow congrats UWGB! Way to go! I have to admit the school must have seen this a couple of years ago, because they took action and have since made the mascot sooo fucking fierce....Check out this blurb from this site Worst NCAA D-I College Mascots by Rebecca Kelley

24. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay's Phlash the Phoenix (Horizon League)

A phoenix seems like it would be a pretty sweet mascot, right? They're colorful, look bad-ass, and can spontaneously combust, only to rise from a dusty pile of their own freakin' ashes and be reborn. That's pretty awesome!

Based on the above criteria, I didn't think I'd ever in my life see a pathetic-looking phoenix...that is, until I laid eyes on UW-GB's mascot, "Phlash":

This thing looks like it's risen one too many times, but the creature's curse is that it can't be put out of its misery. It's gaunt, its eyes are sunken, it looks phlemy (Phlash the Phlemy Phoenix?), and it appears to have sprouted random feathers from its chin. Plus, aren't phoenixes supposed to be fiery in color? Last time I checked, green wasn't an inferno-y hue.

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