Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Weekend Away...

I took a trip to Connecticut this weekend, I stayed in Stamford with JC and Ty...some old friends from college. I got there Saturday night and we ended up deciding to take the train ride into NYC around midnight. We met up with some of his euro buddies and went to The of the nicest clubs in NYC, got in was a pretty good time, although drinks were ungodly expensive. $16 for a drink...would be shitfaced on $16 in GB. Saw Brian my buddy from high school, which was good to see him. Ended up getting somewhat stranded walking the streets of NYC at 4:00am, but eventually found our way back to CT by 5...Sunday was spent at Buffalo Wild Wings, drinking numerous beers and eating wings, watching football. That was enjoyable, I missed winggggggssss. The whole reason I went to CT was to take my Playing Ability Test to get into the PGA program... 36 holes, had to shoot 154... Played solid the first round and shot 72, 2 birdies 2 bogeys....then got a little to relaxed and coasted in with a 77. Took 2nd place and was one of the 3 people out of 40 that passed. Now I get to start on my books! yippie........ It was good to be home though, my bed was heaven and it was great to see my girly Sophie... She has been kind of lonely with Links and Eric leaving. But now she and Lissie are the women of the house and she'll be good without links biting at her tail. I'm hoping to spend the next couple weeks, slowly rejuvinating the house and making it into a warm home to spend the summer.. Its shaping up everday. I'm out...

Friday, October 17, 2008

East Coast Wayz

Shit is different out here, most of the time it goes unnoticed..But there are most definitely times when I realize the trends that are different out here, on Cape at least. I'm about to rant....... Dunkin Dounuts are on every fucking corner, everyone gets "dunked" out here (I made up that term), doughnuts or coffee or iced whatever! In my 20 minute drive to work I pass...6 Dunkin Dounuts...5 too many. Scratch Tickets are like gold here, everyone buys scratch tickets, its seems to be a way of life out here to try and win big on that $20 card...most of the games are based around red sox...its unreal. People are rich out here, real fucking rich...sick rich, silly rich and dumb rich. nough said. They are also loud, not necessarily rude, just loud, bold, straightforward. They live and die by boston sports..I can't even begin to explain...just as die hard as Green Bay fans, it's scary. There isn't any fast food out here, or I should say very little...Falmouth has the only McDonalds on Cape Cod, and I believe the only Burger King. There are no Wendy's, Perkins (people don't know what Perkins is), no Taco Bell, Taco mexican food at all! I have to go over to Martha's Vineyard to have a burrito...fuck. People say "Wicked" a lot, and they also don't have R's out here...I'm going to the Baaaaaa in my Caaaaaaaaa to have some Bee aaaaaaaaaa (I'm going to the Bar to have some BeeRRRRRR) It's pretty fun to talk like them actually, I try to blend in some east coast slang every once in awhile... Went to a members house couple nights ago for a party, 20 guys, T bone steak, Lobster, Seamed clams, full bar, beautiful back deck, on the ocean, owns 3 house on the property...bottom line, silllllly rich! It was a fun night.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Back after a few days, this weekend was busy at work...the weather was beautiful to say the least and there was a lot of people on Cape for the Holiday weekend. The Fall has been great here, weather is pretty steller, a little chilly in the mornings and nights but great during the day. I like this weather, sweatshirt weather...I don't know why, but when its cool like this I feel like I'm in Wisconsin...that's pretty pathetic, but for some reason it just feels good. Eric is moving to Houston, TX next week. He took a job working for his uncle, he'll be working with computers in some regard. I don't know what exactly though, neither does he I believe. The house will be less active, mostly because Links will not be causing chaos day and night. Not really too much chaos though, just playing and barking with sophie along with getting into some garbage once in awhile. He's just a little boy....punk But this winter is shaping up to be pretty quiet. I'm ok with that!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Back to work after a two day vacation...back to back days off, it's crucial to your sanity. Work these days is pretty bullshit, only a couple of golfers per day...I end up just spending most of my days at work, golfing, practicing or reading articles online. There is very little work to be done... My days off, I did as close to nothing as possible, I drank 14 Keystones in 2 hours...passed out shortly there after...but I gave my roomates some comic relief with my drunken antics. That was the first time I've had a keystone since beer pong in Wisco..tasted great, kind of like a spicy water..ha That was the highlight of my week, although I also bought some movies, played golf and beat Werchy in one of the 4 games of bball we played. Ryan has nothing on me... Most of all I miss Wisco buds....and my friends! yaaaaa knowwwwwww....