Friday, October 17, 2008

East Coast Wayz

Shit is different out here, most of the time it goes unnoticed..But there are most definitely times when I realize the trends that are different out here, on Cape at least. I'm about to rant....... Dunkin Dounuts are on every fucking corner, everyone gets "dunked" out here (I made up that term), doughnuts or coffee or iced whatever! In my 20 minute drive to work I pass...6 Dunkin Dounuts...5 too many. Scratch Tickets are like gold here, everyone buys scratch tickets, its seems to be a way of life out here to try and win big on that $20 card...most of the games are based around red sox...its unreal. People are rich out here, real fucking rich...sick rich, silly rich and dumb rich. nough said. They are also loud, not necessarily rude, just loud, bold, straightforward. They live and die by boston sports..I can't even begin to explain...just as die hard as Green Bay fans, it's scary. There isn't any fast food out here, or I should say very little...Falmouth has the only McDonalds on Cape Cod, and I believe the only Burger King. There are no Wendy's, Perkins (people don't know what Perkins is), no Taco Bell, Taco mexican food at all! I have to go over to Martha's Vineyard to have a burrito...fuck. People say "Wicked" a lot, and they also don't have R's out here...I'm going to the Baaaaaa in my Caaaaaaaaa to have some Bee aaaaaaaaaa (I'm going to the Bar to have some BeeRRRRRR) It's pretty fun to talk like them actually, I try to blend in some east coast slang every once in awhile... Went to a members house couple nights ago for a party, 20 guys, T bone steak, Lobster, Seamed clams, full bar, beautiful back deck, on the ocean, owns 3 house on the property...bottom line, silllllly rich! It was a fun night.


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