Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

T-Puppies Draft

Tomorrow is going to be a great day... Tomorrow there could be as many as 5 new little puppies added to the Wolves squad, those puppies could be a great addition to the team and could make this up coming season one of the best in the post-KG era... Alright so the new Wolves GM Mr. Kahn, who looks and sounds like a prick...comes in and does the the best thing that has happened to the franchise in the last 10 years and fires McHale... totally out of the organization, after single handedly messing up every litter of wolves. Foye/Roy? Marbury/Allen? OJ/Love? (although I like Love).. Ebi? Jaric? Wittman? Madsen X4 years? Cardinal?Anyways I could go on... Hopefully they hire the right guy... Sam Mitchell, he was great for the Wolves... and Coach of the Year with the Raptors.. If not him, Marc Jackson might actually be a pretty good hire, Van Gundy could be interesting as well..

Alright so right now they have the 5,6,18,24 picks in the draft.. here is how I think it will go down, assuming there aren't any trades... I should say here's how I hope it goes down, I hope at 5 and 6, they get any one of these combinations- Harden/Rubio, Rubio/Curry, Evans/Flynn... I just really want Curry or Rubio, I don't really want Evans, he may be really good, I just don't think it fits what the team needs.. but I really like Jonny Flynn I think he is going to be a great NBA point guard, he is lightning. With the two late round picks we need a pure shooter, especially if we don't get Curry and obviously we need a Center.. I wouldn't be suprised if the late 1st rounder's get packaged in a trade for a vetearn big man. I'd like to see them pick up Jodie Meeks or BJ Mullens if possible.

No matter what it is going to be a interesting night for Minnesota fans... I just hope this new direction that the franchise is going doesn't mess up like the pervious one did.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

This is a day to celebrate the man that brought you into this beautiful world. I could talk all day about what my father has meant to me, as I'm sure most of you could. You grow up with your father being your idol, everything he does.. you want to do that... My dad brought the game of golf to me, he taught me everything I know about the game, although most of the time I fought his lessons and lectures. I grew up dreaming about beating him, it was a distant thought for a long time, my dad is a stick! After I beat him I never wanted him to beat me again... I guess that's just how it goes, I mean he tries to cheat and beat me still to this day. (Brookline) My fondest memories growing up where probably him hitting baseballs to me in our huge yard in Minnesota, we would be out there for hours.. It was great, I was always asking him to hit me a hot pepper (really hard grounder) so I could pick it like Chuck Knoblauch or Ryan Sandberg. No matter what we were doing, I always enjoyed it, like most children, my father was my best friend and idol. I couldn't be prouder to have a father like mine, he's an amazing artist, a great husband, an alright golfer... hhahaha jk he's great... and most importantly he is the best father in the world and I love him more than anything! Just wish we could spend more time together, and play more than 3 rounds of golf together a year.. but it is what it is, and it just makes those rounds special. I love you pops, look forward to the next time I see you!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Hangover...

Best movie of the summer?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hawk Talk

So Eric and I have started a pretty sweet band... the Wi Hawks (pronounced Wie Hawks, not the Wisconsin Hawks... but the Wi Hawks) We've been working on some material for a couple of weeks now. Eric is on the guitar and any other instrument that is needed, I am on the lead vocals and sound effects. Here's a little background on the band, a couple of weeks ago we had a couple of to be groupies over at our pad. In the tour of the crib, I made sure to point out the sweet framed pictures of a hawk that Eric had taken and hung next to his bed.... this was thought to be slightly odd, so it was an on going joke the rest of the night... late into the night after some liquid courage, we decided to bust into some tunes. It was an epic performance, although it was not recorded and will go down in history as one of the finest joints that was only heard by 4 sets of ears. Weeks later Eric took on the name of "Hawk", both because of his affiliation with Hawk's and his glossy stare. Scrambling to follow up this revelation, I stumbled upon the name "Talon" because of my sharp vocals and snarly swooping effects. We plan on eventually making an album and presenting it to labels, but at this point we are going to stick to live performances. Let us know if your looking to book a show

Picture is of Hawk, Talon and our accordion player Redtail...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dry Mouth

I've been kind of slacking on my blogging as of late, I have caught a case of the dry mouth... I just don't have a lot of say.. Maybe it's because I'm content, I don't have anything to sound off about...maybe because I'm tired and don't want to waste my breath (or in this case my finger muscles), not real sure about that...It could be a number of things, but I'm pretty sure it's the first one, I'm content, I'm happy and stress free about everything thats going on in my life, I feel like I'm going in the right direction in all aspects. I look forward to the future, and rarely think of the past.

Eric and I started an ongoing Scramble match, this morning I spelled WARMER...................................................................

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lazy Video of the day 6/6?

I'm beat..I'm really tired...It's a good thing...I'm's a grind... I love life
Need to play more golf.. I've had open shifts the last 5 days, up at 5:25.. takes it out of you...
No complaining.. I'm really happy right now... Mind is refreshed+body drained= good nights of sleep
I'll kick your ask!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Video of the Day 6/4

This guy for real?!?!?!?!?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

5+1 random thoughts...

1- I have aproximentally 3 minutes to write this before my laptop runs out of battery, way too lazy/tired to get out of bed to plug it in...
2- My parents leave tomorrow back to Wisco, it was great to have them on the Cape...It is sweet to have them get a taste of the Cape Cod life and beautiful seniary. I probably won't get to see them for like 4 months, so it is never enjoyable saying goodbye, but I just think that it'll be great the next time around... it makes things easier.
3- Sean and I just got done playing in the 2 day New England Pro-Assistant Championship...there is no shot I'm going to go hole by hole on this, both because I'm tired and I hear from some of my disgruntle uncles can't deal with the easy of my game... But it was a really good time out there, we had a blast, we actually played really solid golf despite our 19th place finish out of 60 teams, (72-68) two man best ball, not scramble, but best ball... I have gotten to a point in my golf game, that I can shoot 70-77 everytime out, but I have a really hard time scoring real low. I can grind out pars all day, so the tougher the golf course the better... but open, non demanding golf courses seem to not suite my game.
4-Ladies Opening Day tomorrow at Willowbend... oh what a treat!

+1- You ever notice just how good it feels to get into your bed after a long day? It's something people take for granted...ha