Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hawk Talk

So Eric and I have started a pretty sweet band... the Wi Hawks (pronounced Wie Hawks, not the Wisconsin Hawks... but the Wi Hawks) We've been working on some material for a couple of weeks now. Eric is on the guitar and any other instrument that is needed, I am on the lead vocals and sound effects. Here's a little background on the band, a couple of weeks ago we had a couple of to be groupies over at our pad. In the tour of the crib, I made sure to point out the sweet framed pictures of a hawk that Eric had taken and hung next to his bed.... this was thought to be slightly odd, so it was an on going joke the rest of the night... late into the night after some liquid courage, we decided to bust into some tunes. It was an epic performance, although it was not recorded and will go down in history as one of the finest joints that was only heard by 4 sets of ears. Weeks later Eric took on the name of "Hawk", both because of his affiliation with Hawk's and his glossy stare. Scrambling to follow up this revelation, I stumbled upon the name "Talon" because of my sharp vocals and snarly swooping effects. We plan on eventually making an album and presenting it to labels, but at this point we are going to stick to live performances. Let us know if your looking to book a show

Picture is of Hawk, Talon and our accordion player Redtail...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh please come play for me....I am thinking this act would be just the thing for Tommy's 50th birthday party