Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

This is a day to celebrate the man that brought you into this beautiful world. I could talk all day about what my father has meant to me, as I'm sure most of you could. You grow up with your father being your idol, everything he does.. you want to do that... My dad brought the game of golf to me, he taught me everything I know about the game, although most of the time I fought his lessons and lectures. I grew up dreaming about beating him, it was a distant thought for a long time, my dad is a stick! After I beat him I never wanted him to beat me again... I guess that's just how it goes, I mean he tries to cheat and beat me still to this day. (Brookline) My fondest memories growing up where probably him hitting baseballs to me in our huge yard in Minnesota, we would be out there for hours.. It was great, I was always asking him to hit me a hot pepper (really hard grounder) so I could pick it like Chuck Knoblauch or Ryan Sandberg. No matter what we were doing, I always enjoyed it, like most children, my father was my best friend and idol. I couldn't be prouder to have a father like mine, he's an amazing artist, a great husband, an alright golfer... hhahaha jk he's great... and most importantly he is the best father in the world and I love him more than anything! Just wish we could spend more time together, and play more than 3 rounds of golf together a year.. but it is what it is, and it just makes those rounds special. I love you pops, look forward to the next time I see you!

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