Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rained out...

The rain has once again taken control of the east coast, it has been pouring since late thursday night...I believe we got around 4 inches of rain in the last two days, I've spent much of those two days on the couch watching movies and chillin out.. Went out the other night with Werchy, listened to some live folk music at an Irish Pub and then ended the night with some see through's at the Roo Bar...The walk home was quite interesting to say the least, we'll just leave it at that...Larry most def came out though. Played golf and went out to dinner with our favorite member, it was a real fun day...he actually said alot of stuff that I took to heart at dinner about life and business in general. It was a good time, he is truely a great man. I miss being around Madison for badger games and Camp Randall...those were some good times...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Productive Day!

I've had quite the day today, was up around 7:45..It's pretty pathetic that even when you don't have to get up do get up early. Is that a sign of age or simply getting used to waking up for a job? I tell people its a sign off me getting old, same with the 10pm bedtime...ha I'm OLD! But anyways, I got up this morning and went for a run with sophie down to the ocean and back on the bike path, which is about 3 miles, I'm trying to run everyday, starting yesterday... 2 for 2!whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa...It's really nice running down there in the morning and evening, its such a breath taking view to look out on the ocean and Martha's Vineyard....I washed dishes after I got home from the run, which is a major accomplishment bc I tend to never wash dishes (because I never use them)...After that I got a much needed haircut, although the hispanic girl on the maintence crew decided to tell me that it looks better long..haaahaa

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

At Work....

Apparently the only way I'm able to post at this moment, is from work...for some reason my computer isn't able to log me in to this, only one of the many things its not able to do at this point. 5:00AM comes way to fucking early, it is unreal...there is something about going to work when it's pitch dark out this simply isn't right...I just saw my first person in the pro shop at 8:10, and I've been here since 6:15..but then again I've been busy setting up the range and locker room. All our staff has left for the year, which means more work for me! This weekend was good, Eric turned 25...he's old as fuck. Vikings won, and the US took the Ryder Cup! Couldn't have asked for much else... Time to go pick the range!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back to Work

It was back to work today, after my mini vacation (one which felt like weeks, I didn't know what to do with myself)... Willlowbend is flat out dead, today there were only about 15 people or so to go was such a beautiful day, pretty sad to be honest. I got done at 5 and went out and played, I played the front nine in 41 minutes, I shot 34... It goes quick when you hit fairways, greens and make a few putts. Talked to my parents tonight, miss them very much, miss my family, miss wisco...but content with day to day! I'm set in quite the groove...

Fenway of the 3 games this summer, great place!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wacky Weekend

Quite the weekend for me, the cape seems to be blessed with the rain gods as of late. But in reality it's nothing, compared to whats happening weather wise across the nation. It poured all weekend, the last big event of the year...the member/member. I played both days as a marker, so that was refreshing although it was raining...I don't mind that at all, anything to get out of the shop. The first day I played with two older members, a 36 handicap and was an a long round. The second day it was really raining hard and I played with two 70 year old ladies...One of them is miserably slow and the other is one of my favorite members... She's a loud, cig puffing, martini dirking, east coast women, around 70 years old....shes ridiculously hilarious, "OHHHH MY GOD, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SHOT" She's as blunt as they come. Those were some interesting rounds, and nice to get paid to play golf. Always a treat. I had today off, so naturally I had a number of drinks with friends last night at the Roo Bar...memory is scattered. On my off days, I buy movies...Its my treat for working like a fucking dog all week, I've bought probably 50 dvd's this summer...My collection is growing rapidly, I've been buying a lot of old movies that I simply should own.. Today it was, The Shining, The Exorsist, Friday Night Lights, Gangs of New York...Won some money on games this weekend, solid! Day off tomorrow, not sure what to do...may play golf, relax to the fullest. Take Care

*Picture- Cape Cod...I live like on the south west side...Falmouth


Here is whats going on in my life...
*living in Falmouth, Mass...on Cape Cod, unbelievable
*Live with Eric Mabee, Ryan Werch, Lissie Hoffert, Links, and Sophie right downtown, about a mile from the ocean...five minute walk down to main st.
*Bought a new car, Mazada 3, deffff upgrade
*Working as an Assistant Pro at Willowbend Country Club (check out site below). Members are all millionaires, we have 10 billionaires, including the Kraft family (Patroit owner, pic above) along with other famous business icons. These people are a breed of their own, and they know it!
* Loving life...enjoying everything, so glad the summer is over...I'm burnt out.
* I work 50-55 hours a week, 1 day off per week all summer...soooo that's like 15 days off in 4 months, having to be at the course at 6 everyday you open. It's a long long summer, and days off are heaven. But fall is here, and all the members have/are going back to FL or Spain or Switzerland...where ever the fuck they want..
*You wouldn't believe the cars I see on a daily basis...
*My golf game is a constant work in progress, I get to play the golf course 55 hours a week, and don't play...its pretty wild

Friday, September 12, 2008

Numero Uno

I feel as though I'm out of touch with friends and family, I can't decided if its the thousands of miles that seperate us or the ill attempts to reach out and correspond with one another. It's sad and often times forgotten, but there are many people that I wish I was still close to. So this is my attempt to let everyone know whats going on in my life, and how I'm doing..its the least I can do, it's my part. Plus I hope this to be somewhat entertaining, I've enjoyed reading some blogs as of late... mine will be fun. I'm going to be brutally honest, I don't really care at this point...everyone that will read this knows me. I'll post everyday, probably going to take a picture everyday on my phone of something interesting. Gotta go to bed, work at 6:15 Member/Member starts tomorrow...supposed to be raining=never fun to work tourneys in the rain, but I love playing in them!