Tuesday, September 23, 2008

At Work....

Apparently the only way I'm able to post at this moment, is from work...for some reason my computer isn't able to log me in to this, only one of the many things its not able to do at this point. 5:00AM comes way to fucking early, it is unreal...there is something about going to work when it's pitch dark out this simply isn't right...I just saw my first person in the pro shop at 8:10, and I've been here since 6:15..but then again I've been busy setting up the range and locker room. All our staff has left for the year, which means more work for me! This weekend was good, Eric turned 25...he's old as fuck. Vikings won, and the US took the Ryder Cup! Couldn't have asked for much else... Time to go pick the range!

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