Monday, September 15, 2008

Wacky Weekend

Quite the weekend for me, the cape seems to be blessed with the rain gods as of late. But in reality it's nothing, compared to whats happening weather wise across the nation. It poured all weekend, the last big event of the year...the member/member. I played both days as a marker, so that was refreshing although it was raining...I don't mind that at all, anything to get out of the shop. The first day I played with two older members, a 36 handicap and was an a long round. The second day it was really raining hard and I played with two 70 year old ladies...One of them is miserably slow and the other is one of my favorite members... She's a loud, cig puffing, martini dirking, east coast women, around 70 years old....shes ridiculously hilarious, "OHHHH MY GOD, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SHOT" She's as blunt as they come. Those were some interesting rounds, and nice to get paid to play golf. Always a treat. I had today off, so naturally I had a number of drinks with friends last night at the Roo Bar...memory is scattered. On my off days, I buy movies...Its my treat for working like a fucking dog all week, I've bought probably 50 dvd's this summer...My collection is growing rapidly, I've been buying a lot of old movies that I simply should own.. Today it was, The Shining, The Exorsist, Friday Night Lights, Gangs of New York...Won some money on games this weekend, solid! Day off tomorrow, not sure what to do...may play golf, relax to the fullest. Take Care

*Picture- Cape Cod...I live like on the south west side...Falmouth

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