Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rained out...

The rain has once again taken control of the east coast, it has been pouring since late thursday night...I believe we got around 4 inches of rain in the last two days, I've spent much of those two days on the couch watching movies and chillin out.. Went out the other night with Werchy, listened to some live folk music at an Irish Pub and then ended the night with some see through's at the Roo Bar...The walk home was quite interesting to say the least, we'll just leave it at that...Larry most def came out though. Played golf and went out to dinner with our favorite member, it was a real fun day...he actually said alot of stuff that I took to heart at dinner about life and business in general. It was a good time, he is truely a great man. I miss being around Madison for badger games and Camp Randall...those were some good times...

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