Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dry Mouth

I've been kind of slacking on my blogging as of late, I have caught a case of the dry mouth... I just don't have a lot of say.. Maybe it's because I'm content, I don't have anything to sound off about...maybe because I'm tired and don't want to waste my breath (or in this case my finger muscles), not real sure about that...It could be a number of things, but I'm pretty sure it's the first one, I'm content, I'm happy and stress free about everything thats going on in my life, I feel like I'm going in the right direction in all aspects. I look forward to the future, and rarely think of the past.

Eric and I started an ongoing Scramble match, this morning I spelled WARMER...................................................................


Anonymous said...

It's Scrabble not Scramble-don't mix up your golf-word game terminology-hope you were able to put "warmer" on a triple letter score!

glad you are content-love you and miss you-moms

Carson said...

yaaaaaaaaaa mom.... jeeeeeez