Sunday, May 3, 2009

17 random thoughts....

1-I paid $33 for a bag of dog food for Sophie.... that's more than I've spent on groceries for myself in the past month.
2-My favorite show these days-Diners, Dives and Dinner's on Food Network---check it out! Fan damn tastic..
3-Willowbend has taken over my life, golf in general actually...I'm at the club 8-8 every fuck day, for one reason or another!
4-I like the Vikings draft... an O Lineman named LOADHOLT.... there is no better last name, of a 6'8'', 350lbs guy. Harvin is going to be a stud, ya I know he's a head case, but does a dynamic wide receiver...that puffed a little weed...with a large ego sound familiar? Can you say Randy Moss? He was alright for the Vikings....
5-On the same note... I'd love to buy a #4 Viking jersey... Do it Brett!
6-Last 3 movies bought: Slumdog, The Wrestler, Doubt....
7- If you haven't heard of Bill Simmons, and you enjoy sports... look him up, he is a genius and hilarious.(I'll be dedicating a post to him soon) Listen to his Podcast on iTunes... BS Report.
8-My parents come out to Cape Cod, in like 3 weeks... I really can't wait to see them, It'll be great to have family out here!
9-Playing at Brookline Country Club on the 28th, with my uncle, father and Ed Stimpson (ever heard of the Stimp meter? ya this man gave me an original Stimp meter that his father produced at least 50 years ago.)
10-I haven't slept in past 8am in the past 2 weeks, and won't in the next two weeks either.
11-Was the Bulls vs Celts series one of the best? If you watched those games, and don't think the NBA Playoff's completely rule, you are smoking crack.
12-Don't smoke crack
13-Sophie turns 4 on May 8th! Steak dinner for her! wow...just more money
14-I have the first "major" of the year on Thursday at Duxbury Yacht Club--- Double the points, double the purse... Mo Money! gotta play good to keep my lead!
15-I take the quickest poops east of the Mississippi.
16-I sold 18 golf shirts to a women the other day at work... they were all different, for all her "boys"... She had the most dimonds on I think I've ever seen in my life... That was quite the bill.
17- I'm going to bed kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can sleep in when your 80! Keep working hard!