Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mr. Farve....

As a young kid growing up in Minnesota, I naturally was a Viking fan... there were some good years growing up, Cris Carter, Anthony Carter, Robert Smith, John Randle, Randy Moss.. those were the guys that I cheered for every sunday. I don't know if you noticed, but there were no quarterback's in that group...there never has been, the closest the vikings have had to a quarterback was Daunte Culpepper, and he was pretty much a lineman. So I grew up in Minny, rooting for the vikings... twice a year they played the Packers and Brett Farve. Twice a year my dad and I sat and watched Brett pick apart the annually horrible Minnesota secondary. I sat and watched this guy sling the ball around the field, break away from 4 defenders and flick a behind the back pass to a receiver. The guy has single handily beat the Vikes and pretty much every other team at one point or another. Then I moved to Wisco and at this point realized that this guy is a fuckin god... everything revolves around #4. It's Farve, Cheese,Beer, and more Farve. After high school, I went to moved to the Mecca, Green Bay for college. I saw the god around town, mainly at the golf course... I've hit balls on the range next to Farve, I have actually yelled in Brett's backswing on the golf course (not knowing he was just behind me, but he hit it to 10 feet and it didn't even phase him)... Needless to say, when you live in Green Bay...the guy is the mayor.
Alright with all that said, I can get to what today's story lines are... Farve is coming back, Farve is going to be a Viking... I am pretty sure on that, and if that doesn't happen, I'll come back and delete this whole post.. ha.... So everyone has something to say about this whole situation...usually its on a negative note, about how they are so sick of him and that he's just gone too far. Those things may be true... As a die hard Viking fan, here's my take...
-We have never had a decent quarterback
-Who would you rather have at quarterback, Sage Rosenfels, Tarvaris Jackson, John David Booty or BRETT FARVE?
-Yeah, Brett is going to chuck the ball around, he is going to throw interceptions... but so are those other guys...
-I think that if we get Farve, he is going to give the Vikes a digit chance to get to the Super Bowl...they have the best running back in the league, the best run defense in the league and now the best quarterback over 50 in the league.

----I am saying all of this, knowing the fact that there is a very good chance that this blows up in my face... but I'm okay with that.

---It has been raining on Cape, for 4 days... 3 more to come... tourney got cancelled

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