Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Greatest Hole in One of all time....

This is the fortune cookie, hard to read... but it says "This could be an almost perfect day, enjoy it!"
This is a recreation of what my ball looked like when it was sitting on the lip, although this pic gives it no justice, cuz my ball was hanging over even more!
This is an actually picture of my ball in the hole, a minute after it dropped in!

I've hit so many golf shots over my lifetime, so many par 3's I've played, hundreds of thousands... you'd think with a good golf game and that many chances, you'd knock one in eventually. I mean my uncle Greg has played golf twice in his life and has a fucking hole in one. WTF... I had been close, I've hit the pin a couple times... one time my ball ended up directly behind the hole about an inch away. Sunday, May 10th was a different day...I got off work a little early, to go pick up an old friend of mine, Joe Coyne, who was coming into town for a couple of days. After he got here, we pretty much just wanted to go straight to the course to play some holes... I was waiting for Joe to get ready, so I grabbed a fortune cookie from the pervious nights sushi dinner.. I cracked it open and read, "This could be an almost perfect day, enjoy it!".......... I read it to Joe, and said "You know what this means? This means, I'm going to get really really close to making a hole in one, but it's not going to go in"... honest to god, I said this right before leaving the house....Ryan, Joe and I headed to the course, not knowing it would be a day, that I will never forget. The front nine was nothing to speak of, we were all out there enjoying the day and each others company... good golf was far from our mines, the scorecards were littered with doubles and bogeys. We made the turn and vowed to play better. When we got to the tee on #13, I was the first to hit... the hole is one of the more difficult par 3's at Willowbend, especially because the pin was back on top of a shelf, on a 2 tiered green. It was probably playing about 180 or so all the way back to the pin, I grabbed a six iron and was first to hit. I hit it good, started a little right of the pin and drew right back in at the stick, I didn't say anything in the air, actually the whole time, until it came to rest... Because the pin is all the way back, and elevated on the top tier, you can't see that well where the ball actually was.... it looked really close though, Joe asked if I thought it was a bit long, "No, pretty sure it's right on it" I said. They both hit and we ventured up to the green to see where it was... When we drove up, we were in disbelief... "It has to be resting against the flagstick" said Joe.... we got a closer look, it wasn't..... the ball was literally hanging half was over the hole.... I saw this an immediately remember what I had said about the fortune cookie! We were going crazy, how is there any way that this ball isn't in the hole!!!!!! It was a really windy day, so there was still a shot... Ryan chipped up from off the green, and I went to fix my ball mark... Joe got a closer look at the ball, and said that he thought it was still moving...ever so slightly....Ryan, Joe and I took a couple steps back and just watched... Like it was slow motion.... the ball slowing dropped in the hole as we stood just 15 ft away. There were man hugs to go around, we went absolutely crazy...jumping for joy!!! It was one of the greatest moments of my life, such a crazy chain of events... I will never forget that day, for the rest of my life! I didn't want my hole in one to be part of a horrible round, so I made 2 more birdies coming in and shot 33 on the back... 41-33= 74.... My 47th stroke that day, was a gift from god.
--funny fact, I ended up playing the ball I had made the hole in one with the rest of the round...only because we had ran out of balls on the front, and this was the only ball I had left! hahah, yes I still have it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!!