Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Country Club/Steve's Pizza

Thursday was a busy day for me.. My father, uncle and I went up to Brookline to play at "The Country Club"... Brookline Country Club is the oldest Country Club in the United States, it is down right special to be there. The grounds are beautiful, you just feel an aura when you walk into the locker room, knowing the every man that has graced the game of golf has just walked through the same doors you did.. The famous Francis Ouimet's house is right across the street, his intials are carved into a tree along with all the caddies in the 1913 US Open. Ouimet won the Open as a 20 year old kid that hadn't really done anything in golf in the past. He caddied at Brookline, so he knew everything about the course and was a local hero. (Ouimet is the one holding the horseshoe in the picture, after he won the Open). Check out the movie, "The Greatest Game Ever Played", its all about Ouimet and the Open that year. There also was the Ryder Cup there in 1999 I believe, it was one of the best Ryder Cup's, with Justin Leonard dropping the putt to win on the 17th hole. The day was great, it was so nice to be out there with my father, one of our handful of rounds each year that we get to play together... they are always fun, and a good match. I shot 77, doubled 3 holes but played pretty stellar other than that. My pops shot 78, although it did take us a day for us to realize he didn't shoot 76, but instead 2 shots higher.

I came home and headed right to my last basketball game of the year, we played in the Championship game against Ryan's team, but we were lucky that he was a thousand miles away, vacationing in Wisco. It was a really good game, going back and forth for most of the game... We pulled away late and won by around 20, after going on like a 20-0 run to finish the game. All I'm going to say is that I played an almost perfect game... 35 points and a good floor game.

Can we please get a Kobe vs Lebron Championship, so Lebron can back up my arguments of him being the best in the NBA!

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