Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gus "The Bus" Solien

My father and uncle were playing some golf the other day with my little cousin, he's around 10 years old. August is just always straight comedy, he is super witty... He's not a loud kid, but he picks up on everything and always has something funny to say...although sometimes, he is not intending on it to be funny... So they are walking down the fairway before dusk, very quiet night on the golf course, Gus says to Tommy his dad, "Dad... I think I'm becoming a man...", oh ya Gus? Why do you think that?.. "I think I'm becoming a man... I have hair in my nose now, and hair on my balls"

Imagine that conversation with you little kid... good I wish I would have been there, I would have been dying! pissing my pants in the sandtrap..

Straight up, Gus "The Bus" Solien

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