Friday, May 8, 2009

Bill Simmons for Timberwolves GM!

I've mentioned Bill Simmons in the past, touching on a few of his nice little pokes at sports figures. Simmons is an ESPN writer that is slowing becoming one of the most intriguing sportswriters of the future. I've known about him for a couple years now, but not until recently have I really become attached to him and his commentary. He is a genius, simply put... he is really really special. You don't have to enjoy sports, to enjoy his stuff...but you do have to known his whole deal, because a lot of his stuff deals with inside jokes among his catch on quick. Bill has a huge archive of podcasts on iTunes, his show is call the BS report... you have to look it up and at least give it a run. His favorite topics are mostly based around sports, but he goes on like 30 min rants about movies, music and celebs. He does some really fun podcasts on the MTV reality shows like Real World and the challenge shows... it's comical... I'll cut to the point... Simmons specializes in NBA matter, he is coming out with a 700 page book called, "The book of basketball" he therefore declares that he knows everything there is to know about the dynamics of the NBA and how to put together a good franchise. Because of this fact, he is convinced that he would be a great GM of an NBA team... Recently, he is getting serious about this campaign and has "thrown his name" into curent open GM positions in the of which, being, the Minnesota Timberwolves.. And I can honestly say as a life long T-wolves fan, there isn't anyone I'd rather get that job. After listening to him talk about the league for endless hours, I'm convinced. Simmons recently did a Q &A with a Minneapolis Star Tribune writer, here's some great points he makes.
- "How do you stand out in a 30-team league? Hey, here’s an idea: By thinking unconventionally and picking someone who has a real connection with fans, understands how they think and will do everything possible to keep them caring about the team. You build a fan base by winning and by connecting with your fans."
-Minnesota hasn’t had a game plan really ever. The team overpaid the wrong guys, panicked again and again and antagonized its fans. I will never do that. Ever. Hell, I have even made the following offer: I will sign a three-year deal with the numbers for the second and third year to be determined … for the first year, I will work for free. Just let me write a book about being the GM. That’s my only demand.
-I feel like Boston owes ‘Sota for KG, Big Papi and Randy Moss. It’s about time we gave you something back. So what better than me, the former Boston Sports Guy? Come on, you have to admit, there’s a certain symmetry here.
-Not to steal from my rant on today’s podcast, but let’s say Minny hires me. Wouldn’t “Timberwolves hire sports columnist as GM” immediately become one of the most talked-about NBA stories of the year? How else would the T-Wolves ever lead PTI or get a cover of Sports Illustrated? It’s just smart business. You are a floundering franchise that needs to get people talking … how do you do this? How do you connect with your fans? How do you make a splash? By hiring me. Obviously you don’t make that move if I’d suck at the job, but that’s thing, I wouldn’t suck at the job. I follow this league as closely and as diligently and as thoughtfully as anyone on the planet. So I didn’t play or coach. So I didn’t get fired from a previous GM job. Who cares?

I would think outside the box, and really, that’s what a team like Minnesota needs from their GM. I would go out to dinner with every [original] Minny season ticket holder — and there can’t be many — in groups of eight or 10 just to let them know that someone appreciates that they stuck with the franchise for this long. I would make a vow that, if we are ever eliminated from the playoffs in any season, from that point on, every home game is half-price and all season ticket holders get a half-price refund on the remaining games so they aren’t paying for crappy tank jobs. I would make myself accountable at every game and via email. I would make a rule that any T-Wolves fan could trade in a jersey of a player no longer on the team and get 40% off a new one. I would have a contest to find two T-Wolves fans to announce all our home games on, kinda like Mystery Science Theater but with diehard fans of the team. Etc etc etc. I have a million ideas. Really, you have to be an idea guy to be an NBA GM - you deal with a lot of stuff beyond “Which players should I pick?” And anyone who reads my column knows that I never, ever, EVER run out of ideas.

------Pretty convincing huh? Here are a couple links to a few of his articles...sorry your going to have to copy and paste here...can't get the links to work... (Q & A on twolves gm job) (great writing, must read, about his dog, really sad) (Story on Bulls-Celtics series...classic!)


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