Saturday, May 9, 2009

Heyyyy Mamaaaa!

Ohhhhh what a day! A day to celebrate the most beautiful women on the planet.... YO MOTHA! Naturally we don't ever come to truly appreciate your mother until you grow in age. As every year passes, I realize more and more how amazing my mother is. I couldn't and wouldn't ever ask for a better mom... If you know my mom, you know she is just cool shit... she is chill as hell, at least now that she doesn't have me around the house to give her hell. Nah but I really was a little punk when I was younger, mostly just to her...But she has pushed me for everything that I have done, and I am almost positive I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have, without her ENDLESS nagging... ha, I love you! She'll do anything for me, except for things that I can do for myself... and that's the way it should be... If I need to help with anything, she's always there. The thing I look up to most about my mom, is the way that she looks at everyday... Maybe it is the old hippie in her, but she wakes up everyday thinking that today is going to be a good day. I try to do the same, its hard somedays, but it just seems to rub off on you day after day. I don't tell her how much I appreciate her enough, i don't know if that's possible. I don't tell her how much I love her enough, there's not enough words. But today is your day mom, and I want you to know that your the best and I love you very much!

---Happy Mother's day all you sexy mamaaaa's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you my darling boy!