Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Twelveteen Random Thoughts

1- Summer has arrived... mother nature just hasn't gotten the email.
2-I only have been called Eric at work, 6 times in the last couple weeks...hoping the count doesn't crack 50 by the end of the summer.
3-I have given up on drinking... it's pointless, I just fall asleep.
4-I have two tourney's this week, Wed. is a Pro-Pro that I am playing in with our teaching pro, Danny Caverly---Should be a real tough team. On Thursday, I have the 3rd Assistants series event, outside of Boston. Gotta hold onto my lead in the POY standings, I'm going to have to miss out on the last spring series event...so I need some cushion.
5-My parents come in a little over a week, wicked excited about it... can't wait to spend some time with them!
6-Farve looks to be set to join the Vikes after his surgery.... Welcome Brett. Vikes=Super Bowl?
7-I have $29.84 in change, in my room..... yaaaa I didn't count it.
8-My automatic coin counter, counted it... LEGIT
9-Eric cried like a little baby watching Marley and Me, last night.... I on the other hand just fell asleep... pretty sure the crying is worse, pussbag.
10-Last movies bought: Taken (which is a epic action movie, real good), Marley and Me (just so I could see Eric cry, but I fell asleep before the tears started rolling, Accepted, and Towelhead.
11- Today was the first day in like a week that I have been able to sleep in past 6:30... my 7 o clock wake up, felt like an eternity.. energy should be up today.
12- .......................................................I need to shower.
12teen- I enjoy making up numbers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that one of your modeling pics?