Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fall Series Event #2---Hyannisport Country Club

Today was my second event in the New England PGA Assistant's Fall series... I had a 9:10 tee time in the last group due to my showing at last week's tourney, with the guy that beat me... The course we played is again right on the ocean, it's a very famous area due to being right down the street from the "Kennedy Compound", and therefore the course that all of them were/are members at. As I drove in, I saw the estate that they live on, with tourist in the street taking pictures. The course is short and usually pretty wind, today it was not too bad at all...but the lack of wind was made up in the toughness of the greens... to give you an idea of how firm they were---No one in our group had to fix a ball mark all day, because our approach shots never made a dent in the green... that is the first time I've ever played a course where that was the case. They were lighting WICKED fast... putting on a gym floor fast... so that firmness and speed make them the teeth of the course. Here's how it went...

1- "ON THE FIRST TEE FROM WILLOWBEND COUNTRY CLUB, MR. CARSON SOLIEN" they announced... naturally I was pretty hyped up, I don't remember much before the shot bc I was kinda nervous... but all I know is that when I hit it... I said..."oh no"... I pumped my first tee dead right... OB! Out of Bounds... I had 200 yards to the left that was safe, which I could have hit it... Hitting 3 off the tee... four just over the green...five up to a foot, six in.... Double Bogey... +2

2- Killed my driver down the right....short hole... Chunked my pitch shot... at this point, I'm asking myself if this is how it's going to be all day... I should have had a chance for an easy birdie putt..instead have to get up and down for par... I hit a poor chip shot again, running it by 15 feet... 15 footer downhill... I knew I needed this putt---- Dead in the heart! Great save, Par.... +2

3- Hit a 4 iron off the tee, 6 iron into the ran off just off the back right edge, putted it up from off the green, left it 10 feet short though...again a must make downhill slider----Dead in the heart... par....+2

4-3 wood right down the pipe... wedge to the green, hit a good shot,but it spun back and caught a ridge and came back off the green in the rough... hit a great chip to 2 ft, knocked it in...par... +2

5- 5 iron into the green, hit a good shot, but once again ran off the back right edge, leaving me a really tough sidehill/downhill chip shot. I hit a pretty solid chip, leaving myself with a side hill 4 footer with a foot of break... missed it low side... bogey...+3

6-This was a straight forward par 5, I had to have a smoke... I was 3 over through 5, knew if I was going to have a good round, I needed to get my shit together. I hit a drive right down the middle, had 248 into the green... hit a rescue just in front of the green...Played an ole Texas Wedge (putter) honestly from 15 yards off the green, cuz it was shaved so short and I would have had to clip it good with a pitch shot.. hit it good, got it to about 8 ft for birdie. Need to knock this putt in for birdie...needed to capitalize... missed it, it snapped on me and I missed it low side...Par..+3

7-Really frustrated at this point... Drive-right down the middle...hit a really good 7 iron into the wind, just got on the front edge... I had a 40 ft putt up the hill, I hit the putt a little too hard.. and missed a tough little 4 footer.. depressing... 3 putt bogey... +4

8- Tough par 3, hit a thin bad horrible 5 iron just in front of the green right, got a way with one. Knocked a putt from off the green up to 2 ft...really good touch on a lag putt... snuck out of there with a par... +4

9- Short par 5... just had to hit a good drive, I completed this task... Had a 4 iron into the green from 210, downwind... I hit a good shot, just didn't draw back in... left myself with a tough sidehill chip from pin high, had to hit a flop shot..I couldn't have hit a better shot, asked it to go in and tapped it in for birdie... This was a huge up and down for me, and a good job of converting for once... plus it kept me under 40 for the front nine... +3...39 on the front.

10- This is when I started to finally feel confident, I hit a great driver down the right side... I hit an absolutely horrible 6 iron from the the center of the fairway... it was god awful, I had a tricky little chip and put it a little passed the hole... this seemed like a day of endless downhill 10 footers... it was brutal standing over them, but I think I did a pretty good job.... but then again I missed the putt and made bogey... +4

11- I was downright pissed at myself for pissing away a stroke right there after battling so hard, and making a birdie on the pervious hole. I hit another good drive down the leftside... again hit and absolutely horrible 9 iron left into the bunker, short siding myself... god I was mad after that shot, I actually threw my 9 iron back trying to hit my bag as I got my divot... I never throw clubs anymore.. deep bunker, 15 ft to work with... I hit the best shot of the day probably, clipped it perfectly out of the bunker, landing it softly just on the green, it almost dropped in the hole and I tapped it in quickly to get out of ther with a par..+4

12- Hit a drive down the left side of a dogleg right... so I had a 7 iron coming in, after pulling my last two.. I naturally pushed it out right.. Missed the green just off the right side. Again, I hit a really really good little pitch shot, spinning it off the slope just on the green, rolling it down to a foot. It was another little clutch shot, great par... +4

13-I was in a pretty good mood at this point, I had just had back to back difficult up and downs on the last two holes... it was a real short little par 4, I hit a good drive just in the left rough, I only had about 60 yards into the green... it was a really good birdie opportunity, until I hit my lob wedge all the way to the back of the green 30 ft. away... But then I hit my putt and half way there realized it was a good birdie opportunity again... as the putt dropped in the hole I was sure... huge putt! Birdie... +3

14- In the zone at this point... Hit the best drive of the lay, long down the leftside of the fairway... Hit a PW into the green, hit a good shot right at the stick... it hit by the hole and released 20 ft by. I thought I had this putt, but I left it just short and was happy with another par... +3

15- Straightforward par 3.. pulled it a little again, into the wind.. it caught a bunker greenside... with no green to work with. I put myself in another bad position with my shit iron play. The bunker shot was a good one again, my bunker play usually is horrible... you guys know that! I got it to stop about 12 ft by the hole, the putt held its line until the last second when it caught the lip and spun out. damnnnn bogey.. +4

16- Tough par 5... I had to hit 3 wood off the tee, down the left side... weird... from a blind shot at the bottom of a steep hill, I slapped a 4 iron through the fairway and into the range which was in play. I had 90 yards to the pin, just an easy little lob wedge, the pin was right infront... I hit it right on, and it one hopped and hit the sick, bounced off to like 15 ft... Another good birdie putt and I needed to convert! As the putt was rolling, I was urging it to please hold it's line and stay up! It just barely dropped in the left side of the hole... YES, TWEEET TWEET... +3

17- Short little par 3 right on the ocean... green is sloped severely from back to front, the pin was all the way in the back.. I hit a knock down 8 iron, just barely on the front edge... I had 40 ft straight up hill... I hit a good lag putt and after rolling back a couple inches (thats how steep the slope way), it came to rest 4 ft from the cup... The guy that beat me last week, was beating me all day today, sometimes by 4.. I was 1 up on him after the birdie on 16... He 4 putted this hole from the front by where I was, for double... I calmly knocked in a slippery 4 footer for par.. +3

18- Real short hole, 300 yards straight up hill... I hit a good drive in the left rough... I had like 45 yards straight uphill into the green, pin tucked over a bunker back left.. so I had no angle... I tried to hit a great shot and like an idiot left my shot in the bunker left, and completely short sided myself... in the bunker... Once again though I came through and hit a great great bunker shot, as could as I could have about 12 ft... Its a right to left slider, and I just didn't give it enough steam, left it just short, for a stupid stupid bogey... really bad brain turd there folks... bogey +4.... 36 on the back nine...for (+4) 75...

---If it wasn't for my first shot out of bounds and last shot into 18, I would have played a pretty solid round... but that's life, and I'll learn at some point...but I'm getting better! I ended up in 4th place, and made $175.. so it was a successful tourney. I also gave myself a 3 point cushion for the lead in the Player of the Year points. Hopefully keep it up! --18 holes at the tourney, 18 holes at willowbend for fun after, playing 40 minutes in bball game at night-----BEAT, night!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Video of the day 4/28

Gotta get the game good again, tourney #2 on thursday!
Hopefully I don't get kicked in the penis.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dick Sheets..... does debbie

Dick Sheets is a man I know, he's not an amazing porn star...but with that name, he damn well should be! Richard Sheets is a starter that works with us at Willowbend, he has worked there for like 12 years. Dude is in his early 80's but so young at heart. I love talking with Dickie at work, whenever he comes into the shop to report something about a group, or tee is always a joke.... "Conrad!!!" he says...(I have worked with him for 3 years now, and he still ends up calling me another name)..He likes going with Calvin, Conrad, Eric or occasionally it gets it right with Carson...once in a blue moon though. In return I try and never call him by his name, I usually call him Rasharrd or Rich..or Dickie...sometimes I even drop a Dickard, that is for special times. Dick has become my grandfather out here, I go and talk to him for advice... I ask him for help at work, and talk to him about women. His stories are amazing. He is the ultimate man.. 5'8'' 160... 82 years old... cuse's like a sailor, but is extreme polite... he grew up in Boston (Roxbury to be exact) a really bad part of town, he was a badass getting in fights with "the blacks" and playing football games back in the day at Fenway Park. One of Dick's stories that I enjoy telling people is the one of where he lived down the street from the Wahlberg's..... Dick told me about how when he was having a neighborhood party at his house one day, the Wahlberg's kids used to come over and swim in his pool, those kids where Mark and Donnie Wahlberg growing up in Dorchester neighborhood in Boston... Dick explained to me one day that he saved Mark Wahlberg's life when he was a toddler, during a party at Dick's house the kids were outside and Mark fell into the pool... Dick was the only one to see this from inside and raced outside to pool Mark from the pool... So there you have it folks, if it wasn't for Dick Sheets, we wouldn't have had entourage or New Kids on the Block! What makes it even more funny is that Dick has no idea how big Mark Wahlberg is...he hasn't seen any movie he has been in, in the last 10 years...he has no idea what Entourage is... or Basketball Diaries. Dick has stories everyday...most of the time I've already heard them, but I still listen... He used to play Scatback for a semi pro team at Fenway Park, He knows tons of celebs and sports starts from working celeb pro am's and what not. He tells me stories about his time on the "tin can" aka Destroyer in the Navy, him going to Korea and messing with asain women...the songs they used to sing and all that crazy shit. I played golf with Dick today at another course that he rangers at, he was on top of his game... bunting it his way along for a beautiful 94...not bad at all... all I can say was that it was a really really fun day out there with him, I road with him in the cat and it was non stop laughs and comedy.... He is a classic Bostonian!

Drinks afterwards are always a pleasure, Eric, Dick Sheets and Myself!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dynamic Duo

Don't really have much to say..
Weather is great.
Summer is here
Knock on wood
I'm eating good
can't complain

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fall Series Event #1--Eastward Ho!

I have been looking forward to this day for a long time in my life, although on a completely different level... I have dreamt of playing on the PGA for lots of money, today was my first professional tourney...first time playing for a check. Here's how it went...I'll try and make this as short as possible. Being right on the ocean, it was naturally a 30-40 MPH wind... I'm not going to say anything... Stableford Format... eagle=6 birdie=4 Par=2 Bogey=1 Double or higher=0

16th- Teed it up last on the first hole...I like that, seeing everyones drives before I have to hit my first tee shot. I stepped up and ripped one right down the middle, pulled a 7 iron in a greenside bunker... flew my sand shot over the green, into a horrible lie, flew it over the green again back into the bunker..hit it on the green, made the putt..double bogey... If you know me at all as a golfer, you know that this a typical first hole for me....I seem to enjoy putting myself behind the 8ball..... 0pts

17th- Ripped a driver down the middle, it was a short par 5, playing downwind. I hah like 170yrd into the green, hit a solid 8 iron to 20 feet for a good eagle attempt. Bailed out on the putt and tapped in for a birdie...once again this is typical for me, I always seem to fuck up the start in order to kick myself in the ass and make some birdies... 4pts

18th- Ripped a driver just in the right rough, crushed a wedge up the hill to the green..landed on the front and rolled back off the front... knocked my putt from off the green up the hill, leaving it 6 ft short... I stood over that putt for a long time, calmly, right in the heart....2pts

1st-Ripped a 3 wood down the middle, left a wedge short of the green from a blind shot in the fairway..not a very good shot. Once again I putted it from off the front edge, this time again I left it about 6-8ft short... the next one was a testy putt, the ball kept wiggling because of the that is always difficult... but I knocked it in again, right in the middle...2pts

2nd-Ripped a 3 iron right down the middle, the hit a slick little lob wedge in... it has some zip on it so it spun back a little more than I wanted...left me a 25 footer, left the putt just short....tapped in, solid par....2pts

3rd-This is a hole you forgot... real short par 4... skyed my rescue wood.... topped a 9 iron... hit it on the green... 2 putts...bogey......1pt

4th- This was probably one of the toughest par 3 tee shots I had to hit... the hole ran along side a huge cliff that dropped down to the ocean, the wind was blowing so hard out to the ocean it was crazy. I started a 5 iron out left of the green and drawing...until it got grabbed by the wind and drifted all the way to the right of the green, just a bit from the hazard before the cliff. I hit probably the best little pitch of the day, I had 30ft to the hole, with 10ft of green to work real shortsided and the green was super elevated on a steep was tricky, I couldn't have hit a better shot, left it on the lip and tapped in for a green par....2pts

5th- Ripped a driver down the middle, ripped a driver off the deck for my second shot.. quite a ballsy play... left it just left of the green in two on a long par 5... I hit a really get little flop shot again, to about 8 ft... this is the only putt that I should have made, that I didn't... I couldn't connect on the birdie.....2pts

6th-Pushed a drive a little right, actually hit a provisional because I didn't know if I could find it...but it really wasn't in that bad of shape... I hit a great pitching wedge into the green, the pin was on the middle shelf of a tiered green. My shot it just on top of the shelf and caught the hill and came back to the bottom... I got robbed.... I hit a really great putt, made with a little bit too much dipped in the side of the hole, and spun out brutally... I got robbed again...tapped in for par......2pts

7th-170yrd par 3 straight up hill, into the win... I hit a 3 iron, my 220yrd club.. that just shows how much the wind was blowing. Pulled the 3 iron a little left... had to hit another semi flop shot, put it up to 8 ft....once again knocked in the putt... 2pts

8th-Ripped a driver down the middle...hit an 8iron my 160 club from 120... just barely got onto the front of the green, like 70ft from the hole... I actually hit a good putt up, but left myself about 6ft downhill... couldn't connect on the putt... my only 3 putt...1pt

9th- Another hole to was probably played the toughest hole of the day, long par 4 dead into the wind.. ripped a driver down the left side... had to hit a 3 iron from a sidehill lie, couldn't draw it all the way around and left it in the right bunker.. horrible lie...just got it out of the bunker...chipped up to 12 ft and missed the putt... double bogey....0 pts

10th-This is the point I new I needed to turn it on if I wanted to make some $$... it was a long par 3...playing 220yrd, I absolutely killed a 3 iron right at the shot of the day...smoothly dropped in a slick downhill putt for birdie. I was the only one to birdie the hole all day...what does that mean? $$$$$$$kin$$$$ won an $80 skin for that....4pts

11th-Ripped a driver...ripped a 3 wood...hit a stellar low spinner into the green to about 15 ft below the hole...I should have made this putt, but left it out right and tapped in for par....2pts

12th-Ripped a driver down the middle, pulled a 8 iron way left...didn't really have anything, pitched it up, but couldn't stop rolled off the side of the green...I knocked the putt from off the green up to 5 ft.... and knocked it in for bogey... 1pts

13th-Ripped a driver down the middle, hit a sweet little lob wedge to a front pin..into about 4 ft... this was a big putt for birdie, with only 2 holes left...I snuck it in the side door on the right...scary..... bridei....4pts

14th-Ripped driver down the middle, hit a stock lob wedge to 25ft...easy 2 putt par....2pts

15th- The last hole, was the easiest par 3 of the day, playing straight downhill with a little backstop behind the pin...I hit a great pitching wedge in there from 145yrd to about 12ft... this birdie putt turned out to be crucial... I played too much break and missed it, but an easy tap in par to finish the day....2pts

I ended up with, 14pts on the front... 21 on the back...35pts....
I took 2nd place out of 38... I was very happy
My partner and I won the blind draw pro-pro..
I won the skin...overall won around $450... so it was a pretty successful day...
I'm gettin really tired now...if you haven't noticed in my shortness... i gotta sleep... sorry ya'll.... love you night!
****tourney website...stats...scorecards...***

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

-Rain rain rain rain rain...fuck rain..Come summertime, just come! I'm beginning to think that it will never be here, it feels like it has been spring for like 4 months on Cape Cod. I got a call from a member today saying that he couldn't make the sox's game tonight, and when he saw that they played the Twins...he thought the only person that'd want to watch Minnesota would be me. They were 5th row tickets right on the 1st baseline. They played a double header today, and it has been raining all day, the 1st game got called in the 7th, and the radar didn't look to good. It's an hour drive up to Boston, not to mention parking and taking the subway to Kenmore Square and Fenway. If there is any chance the game could get rained out, there wasn't any point to make the trek up there... I had to tell him to not save the tickets for me.....obviously the game ended up not getting rained out, but luckily the Twins got pounded, so it was probably a blessing I didn't go to the game. Fenway is such a treat to go to though, so historic and the kettle corn there is like crack.
-Tomorrow is the day that I make my first professional check... gotta make lots of birdies, it's a stableford event... Eagles=5pts Birdies=3 pts Pars=2 Bogeys=1 Doubles or higher=0.... I'm playing at a course on Cape Cod, in Chatham at Eastward Ho!.....and I did not put that exclamation for emphasis, it is actually in the name of the course.... if I was going that route, I'd have to change it to Eastward Hoe!!!!!!! (Check out the pic above, course on Cape Cod are sweet!)
-Miss my friends and family back in the Midwest...sooo ya'll need to start booking your tickets or packing your cars to make the trip out! I'll put you up, so you don't have to pay rent...just a walk from the ocean! Free golf at willowbend as well.... come on people!
-Watched The Wrestler tonight... I enjoyed almost all of it, but the end was can't just end a movie like that. Is it just me or does it seem like it's almost impossible to make a good ending? It seems like every movie makes me wondering why the hell they ended it like that. no?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Song of the Day 4/21

I try and listen to this song everyday... It chills me out, sometimes i listen to it on repeat... i think it just makes me feel better after I listen to it..although a sad song.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Random Thoughts

----Ya ok.... I'll admit something, I recently realized that I never knew that Hannah Montana character was Miley Cirus. I really thought that Hannah Montana was a real girl, I thought she was pretty stupid... but had no idea that she was a mythical creator like a unicorn. Therefore because of this complication, I have come to the conclusion that Miley Cirus sucks at life. sorry bout that...but it has to be that way. And actually I'm going to stick to my guns and say that I confidently can say that I still think they are two completely different people, even if one is mythical.

----The NBA playoffs have begun, they are actually really really great to watch. They are the best basketball players in the world....and they are actually trying..... My prediction for the championship: Cavs VS Lakers...It will be a classic matchup of Kobe "Raper" Bryant VS Lebron "King" James. The champion will be the Cleveland Cavaliers and MR. BRON BRON... He will also be MVP.

-----Our household enjoys late night run's to the gas station for Ben and Jerry's....

----I bought Homeward Bound on the Internet.... I just really wanted to see Chance be a goofball and learn some wisdom from The Great Shadow..oh he is such a wise man...yes I know I know....very pathetic

----I have started to enjoy coffee, everyday when I get to work, I always have to get a coffee to get going...I'm addicted....this just goes on the list of ways I know I'm getting old... it's right between the fact that I get up at 6:45AM on the daily and the fact I can't stay awake later than 9:30PM.

---3 days till my tourney... Need to get in some practice and more play to get my game sharp, it's almost there...My driver is the best that it has ever been, I've had it for 4 years or so... I love the thing.... Iron game is still a little shaky... Short game is really good, usually it is the downfall of my golf game... but recently I've had a lot more confidence so that helps a ton. I'm ready to win.

----fuck twitter...why twitter? don't people tweet tweet all day on facebook changing their status? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't twitter just status updates without anything else?

---I'm out... night all, happy holidays!a

Friday, April 17, 2009

Steve's Pizza vs. Ballaholics

Game last night was instant classic! The first half of the game was dismal for Steve's Pizza and myself... we were down ten and I was 0-0 and only play 7 minutes or so.. I suck at sticking on the bench, I'm like the worst bench sitter' in the Midwest. Sitting on the bench in a 25 and up, rec league game is the equivalent of getting assigned to reading "US weekly" in your monthly book club. I just sit there with a blank ass look on my face...shock. I came into the game with 15 mins left in the game, we were down 6. I scored 10 straight, got 2 steals and brought our team back, I was like a modern day Pistol Pete... I was like... BBGun Pete. I was determined to not lose this game... fyi The "Ballaholics" is the name of Ryan's team that we lost to in the preseason game, conveniently Ryan was out of town and missed the game. By the way, how horrible is the name "Ballaholics" for a rec league basketball team. With intermurals and rec league teams I have quite the names of teams I've played on... (TIC, Lohan's Team, Hibachi, Steve's Pizza, Gloppa's Team) hahah No matter what you pick for your name to a team it always sounds retarded. Okay, back to the game... It was a tight contest down the stretch, I played really good and kept us in the game at times. I scored 18 points in the last 15 minutes, and got 4 of which came with ten seconds left and led to a layup as we were down by 2. They ended up hitting a buzzer beater to tie up the game, the shot was straight Christian Laettner...(ya Madeline, I know your loving that one SEE PICTURE ABOVE) So after the scrub hit the shot, we went to overtime... We played good, I knocked down 2 free throws to lock up the game with seconds remain. Steve's Pizza goes to 2-0.

----I believe I made my settings, so that anyone can post comments don't have to have an account now, maybe i'm incorrect..but give it a try.

-----I think I'm going to start a new concept on the blog, I'm having trouble finding things to post about on the daily... so I think I'm going to start some Person Profiles, just doing a profile on people in my life...these are going to be comical explanations of people in my life. I think it will be very fun, and you never might be next on Person Profiles...It's going to be random how I throw people up, so in other words it will be...."In no particular order"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Congrats UWGB Golf team

Green Bay won yesterday at Loyola, Ap (aaron pearson) went out and shot even par 72 and won the individual title...Green Bay has has taken the first two individual titles of the year, with Adam Austreng and now AP winning. Congrats guys...hopefully Horizon Leauge title this year? perfect...... right after I leave! haha jk Good luck guys.

god I can't believe I put Ap's weak ass on the cover of this post... haaa headline news!

New photoshoot...

Remember my modeling career? well I just took some new photos with a great photographer.... Lars Van Olhoffen

Here is the most brilliant shot...

Early Waker Syndrome

As many of you know about me, and may hate about me (mostly just eric and Jake shock), I have always gotten up generally pretty early my whole life, In high school...probably not so much, cuz I can remember my mom trying hard to get me out of bed at some points. In college I was always the first one up, after a long night of partying...I would be up at 8am, waking other people up so I had someone to hang out with...they hated it, eric actually would get violent when I came into his room and tried to wake him up...he had a mean straight legged kick it was use on me when I got close to his bed. Now as I have advanced into life as a golf pro, I can't even get up early enough...during the summer, I have to be at work at 6 or 6:30 usually, with a 20 minute drive to work...that means I'm up at like 4:45 or 5. You can't be ok with getting up that early in any world, it is down right brutal, pitch dark... none of this is a huge problem, it is what it is... but there is a problem, a slightly large problem on my day's off. See when I don't have to go into work early, my body clock doesn't get the memo and seems to think that it is ok to get up at 6:30am still....NOT COOL, I have absolutely nothing to do today...I could have slept until 6 fuck 30 in the PM. But no here I am writing this post at 7:21am, after reading the sports page on yahoo... wondering wtf I'm going to do until everyone else wakes up, actually shit, I don't know wtf I'm going to do all day... looks pretty nice out, probably going to go play golf. But right now... I think I'm going to be productive and take a run down to the ocean with Sophie...she hasn't been down there in a couple of weeks and I know she loves it. soooo I'm out, like a fat kid in dodgeball! (btw, I watched a program that was talking about how schools were banning dodgeball....don't know how a feel about that.)

Ps... Sasha won his first tourney of the year yesterday, he shot 79 and birdied the 4th playoff hole to win...I am really proud of him, not sure if I have had that feeling of proudness towards's like he is my son. But he text me after his win to tell me he couldn't have done it without me, that's not true...but a great kid!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Thoughts

---Sorry I've been slacking on my posts, there hasn't been a ton going on and I've just been kind of a lazy bum.

--- How bout the Masters? probably one of the most entertaining in the last 5 years, with Tiger and Phil together making a charge, and Kenny, Chad and El Pato down the stretch. It was a great finish, kinda sad to see Kenny not be able to pull it off... But El Pato is a sweet son of a bitch... Kinda wish he didn't stop smoking cigs, so we could have seen him puffing away in the playoff. Its always kind of refreshing to see pga players smoking, it makes me feel like they are actually normal.

----Summer is in the air on Cape Cod! it's supposed to be in the 50's and 60's all week...only a matter of time before that turns to 70's and 80's!

----Got pulled over the other night, for the first time in my life!!!! I made it 8 years of driving without getting pulled over for any reason. My streak of not getting any tickets still lives though!!!! I got pulled over coming home from having a couple drinks with Ryan, because I had a headlight out (which I didn't know). But the officer was cool, didn't pepper me with questions...I played it cool and got out of there with a warning and some soiled pants.

----Eric is possibly moving back into our household, he actually has already moved back in...hoping its for good, i miss the kid when he's not around.

----- A week and 2 days till my first Professional tournament.... First time playing for actually cash, should be great...If you know me, you know when money is on the line on the golf course...I always seem to come through...

---Bought/Watched Slumdog for the first time recently.... I thought it was going to be over hyped and whatnot...cuz I hadn't heard one poor thing about it...and usually that means it won't live up to my expectations, but it didn't disappoint, it was really really good. My only come during the show he was like a national celeb, then when he is in the train station looking for the girl, there are tons of people around and no one seems to recognize him? huhhhhh

----I have to go to work! hehehehe

********** Recently Sophie has been trying to steal all my cash, she is such a diva!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Swiss Sensation

My young protege is back in the states for a week or so, his name is Sasha. Sasha is a 13 year old kid from Switzerland that lives at Willowbend during the summer and comes back here and there throughout the year. Yes they fly back from Switzerland to come back to the Cape for a week, ahhh what a life. This kid is amazing, he lives and dies by golf... I don't know how healthy this is for a 13 year old, because he honest spends everyday all day at the golf course. he'll go out and play 9 holes, spend 2 hours on the short game area, go putt for an hour, grab lunch in the grill room and go hit 300 balls, then go play 18 with his father, after that he goes home and watches the golf channel. Obviously not the typical life of a 13 year old. Over the last two years, Eric and I have been giving him lessons a couple times a week. Now all the teaching rests on my shoulders with eric gone. His golf swing is honestly one of the better ones I've ever seen, and for sure the best I've seen at that age. His arc is huge, he's really smooth most of the time, it really makes me shake my head sometimes. His favorite player is Ernie Els, and his swing shows it. So rather than tweaking his swing on the range day in and day out, I instead give him playing lessons. Which is pretty much us two going out and playing 9 holes together, I talk to him about every shot, trying to pick his brain while teaching him how to PLAY golf. I show him how to play different shots in different situations, I talk to him about course management and club selection. We have a blast out there, he's real good with english...but when he gets upset he busts out the french or dutch. I love listening to him speak, his accent is great. His favorite phrase is.. "uuuhhhh la laaaaaaa", lots of times he sings all the popular pop is so funny. He looks up to me so much, and I honest learn a lot from him out there as well. He hits shots that really make me shake my head... he's 13... hits is driver 275yds... 5 iron.. 180yds..... has a amazing short game and can roll the rock. The only slight problem is that he's too much of a perfectionist, if he doesn't make par or birdie he thinks the world is crashing down... I need him to be okay with making a bogey...that will be a huge step.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I want to be on his plane!

Pizza Squad

Steve's Pizza graced the Falmouth Rec Center floors again tonight, we had a full squad there tonight. Our first game of the season was against some scrubs, they only had 5 guys and were pretty out of shape. We dominated from the start, it was pretty fun. Lots of open shots, although I was pretty broke most of the game, the first half I dropped a beautiful 1 point. I missed all my open shots, the second half I got it going a little bit, I got some rebounds and dropped a couple dimes. I ended up with 13 points and we killed it by 30. I'm going to bed though, take care!

Oh yah! The Masters has begun, it was a beautiful day at Augusta.

***How good is this kid? So much fun to watch, he just makes you smile... I can't wait for the day that it's him and Tiger in the last group of a major. Could they be any more opposite?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trout Master Classic

With the arrival of legendary Mr. Eric Mabee again on Cape as he treks toward his new home of New Hampshire, came the arrival of the first annual Trout Master Classic. I've many times been dragged along (by choice, which makes you wonder why I used "dragged along"), on his many fishing endeavors. Anyways yesterday I joined him, only on the terms that we have a contest, and act like professional fisherman. Therefore I went into the classic under the alias of Dale Bufford, in hopes of luring the biggest fish in the waters of Mares Pond. Eric naturally went as Eric Mabee. We took a kayak out on the pond, in order to stealthy attack the fish. Eric started off the classic, by attempting to get into the kayak....only to fall in the water just off shore, on his ass, completely submerged by the brisk water. So I was naturally leading the classic at this point. After Eric got a change of clothes, we were off on the open water. It was only a matter of time before Mr. Mabee regained his lead in the classic, by catching a small ass trout. And then he extended his lead with catching another smallish trout. This was expected...Eric knows the waters like the back of his hand, and Dale Bufford had just seen the pond for the first time. After a few laps around the pond not catching anything, Dale was energized by a tug on his line, "I got one!!" the same time Eric had that same tug... they had both snagged one at the same it was just a matter of getting them in... Bufford proceeded to efficiently bring his in. While in the meantime Eric had a beast on his line, although tragically it came off the line just as he was trying to get it in the Yak. It was 2-1 Eric, but Bufford had caught a decent sized one! Knowing he had to do something special, Bufford put his special sauce on the lure and cast it out. Within a matter of time, he was fighting again... it was a long battle, but Bufford brought in the biggest trout so far. It was tied up 2-2...Eric caught another small trout to take a 3-2 lead when the officials decided to pull of off the lake due to strong winds. Bufford had caught the biggest fish, but eric had one more than him.. This led the officials to call the 1st annual classic a draw.

**Here is some pictures of the classic!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Video of the day 4/6

Here's a video that will just make you feel smarter, which is always a moral boost to your day.

Opening Day!

You know summer is almost here when baseball gets going! Today the sox have their home opener, although it is supposed to rain...but as I look out the window there is no rain in the air. Needless to say today is one of the most anticipated days in the state of Massachusetts every year. These people live and die by the blood sox.... I on the other hand am a die hard Twinkie's fan.. the Twins that is! The Twins look to have a stellar squad this year, if their pitching can hold up they should be looking pretty good.. I think they'll sneak up on a lot of people. I'm going to try and catch the Twins vs Sox game coming up in a couple weeks. Yesterday was the busiest day of the year at Willowbend, the day steamed to fly by... so that was great, and it was such a beautiful day.. which made it very hard not to be high on life. After work, our head pro sean, myself, Jonny Escobar and a kid that is a member went out to play 9 holes... we had a good match going, Jonny and I were 1 down going into hole 7, a difficult par 3. I hit a good shot in there to about 15 ft....everyone else missed the green, but last to swing was Jack (the memeber) and the kid steps up hits a shot that is looking good in the air, lands on the green, rolls a couple of feet towards the hole and drops in... We all went crazy, he had just dropped a slick little hole in one. His first ever, so it was pretty cool, although I have to admit I was slightly jealous bc I have yet to make one. I can't wait till the day that I drop one, I'm going to get silly drunk!

Eric and Links are stopping here today, Eric got a job in New Hampshire and is on his way to move he's dropping by the Cape so Links and Sophie can have some play time. Should be a good time!

***Here's a pic of Eric's dog Links a silly little border collie

Friday, April 3, 2009

Video of the Day! 4/3

And I thought Sophie had some wild dreams....

Cloudy Cape....

The Cape has been a wash for the past few days. When it rains out here it just gets brutal, it rains harder here than anywhere else I can remember and it rains for like 3 days straight. It's so gloomy, when you wake up in the morning and look out the window it just casts a fog over you... Literally. The fog out here is crazy, it is wicked heavy and is constant all day long. You really can see the fog rolling in and just chilling all day. The last very days have been depressing, and just simply bland...but only because of the weather, I'm cool as a clam and loving life!

*** Picture of the back deck of our pro shop, overlooking the 18th green and surrounding holes....

Clear picture and picture of the Cape Cod Fog

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Video of the Day! 4/2

ahhhhh this is why you should never do drugs folks.... cuz if you do drugs you'll act like this brilliant Police officer. THIS IS NOT A JOKE...COMPLETELY REAL...not even the news women can keep it together!

Steve's Pizza Vs. Ryan Werch

We had our first game tonight for the rec league team, although it ended up being just a preseason game, because there was some confusion...they decided to have the season start next week.. But it was real nice to get back out on the court again, playing in bball games still get me so hyped, I look forward to it so much and go real hard out on the basketball court. I thought I had a pretty good game, I threw a couple passes a way as usual... and I actually didn't even hit a 3 ball. I ended up with 17 points, and didn't take too many shots from the field. It was a real tight game and really high scoring... we ended up hanging in there and losing by 3... 77-74. We had a couple chances down the stretch, but we couldn't come through. It wasn't bad for a group of guys playing their first games together. It didn't help that Ryan was playing on the other team, and he dropped a smooth 38.... Domination, the kid is so legit. I'm looking forward to getting the league started and competing some more. After the game, a couple guys from the team and I went to Steve's Pizza and got 5 pizza's and mad beers for free.... I can def get used to this.

I can't wait for the Masters... I think this year is just going to be silly with Tiger, Phil, AK, Goosen, Els and Rory all going at it...I think some guys are going to step up and remind people that they are still around with Tiger back and all....Goodnight ya'll!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prank of the Century...

Seeing as it is April Fools today.... I decided to show you this one.... This is the Best Prank ever!

hahahhahahahahah classic

I'm going to be a model!

Alright, there are some things I've been kind of keeping on the down low. My job at the golf course just hasn't been cutting it, I've been looking to spice up my life and make a change for the better.... I've yet to inform my parents and friends, but think it's time to let everyone know.. that next week I will be moving to L.A. in order to pursue a life long dream of modeling. When I was born I knew from the second I looked in the mirror that it would be a shame if the whole world didn't get to see this face. I've been thinking about underwear modeling but I'm not sure if the country is ready for this AB that I have. Fuck having six of them... I have the sexiest AB in the world. Anyways I have everything packed up in my car, and I've already for a place to stay. I've got my portfolio together, with a couple of glamour shots...over the next few weeks I'll show you guys a sneak peak. But for right now, this is going to be my main picture. Peace out East Coast... I'm headed to the West Coast and my dreams! Derek Zoolander WHAT?!?!?!?!??!
