Monday, April 20, 2009

Random Thoughts

----Ya ok.... I'll admit something, I recently realized that I never knew that Hannah Montana character was Miley Cirus. I really thought that Hannah Montana was a real girl, I thought she was pretty stupid... but had no idea that she was a mythical creator like a unicorn. Therefore because of this complication, I have come to the conclusion that Miley Cirus sucks at life. sorry bout that...but it has to be that way. And actually I'm going to stick to my guns and say that I confidently can say that I still think they are two completely different people, even if one is mythical.

----The NBA playoffs have begun, they are actually really really great to watch. They are the best basketball players in the world....and they are actually trying..... My prediction for the championship: Cavs VS Lakers...It will be a classic matchup of Kobe "Raper" Bryant VS Lebron "King" James. The champion will be the Cleveland Cavaliers and MR. BRON BRON... He will also be MVP.

-----Our household enjoys late night run's to the gas station for Ben and Jerry's....

----I bought Homeward Bound on the Internet.... I just really wanted to see Chance be a goofball and learn some wisdom from The Great Shadow..oh he is such a wise man...yes I know I know....very pathetic

----I have started to enjoy coffee, everyday when I get to work, I always have to get a coffee to get going...I'm addicted....this just goes on the list of ways I know I'm getting old... it's right between the fact that I get up at 6:45AM on the daily and the fact I can't stay awake later than 9:30PM.

---3 days till my tourney... Need to get in some practice and more play to get my game sharp, it's almost there...My driver is the best that it has ever been, I've had it for 4 years or so... I love the thing.... Iron game is still a little shaky... Short game is really good, usually it is the downfall of my golf game... but recently I've had a lot more confidence so that helps a ton. I'm ready to win.

----fuck twitter...why twitter? don't people tweet tweet all day on facebook changing their status? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't twitter just status updates without anything else?

---I'm out... night all, happy holidays!a

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck in the tournament-sounds like your game is ready-just remember to be "present"
love ya