Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Swiss Sensation

My young protege is back in the states for a week or so, his name is Sasha. Sasha is a 13 year old kid from Switzerland that lives at Willowbend during the summer and comes back here and there throughout the year. Yes they fly back from Switzerland to come back to the Cape for a week, ahhh what a life. This kid is amazing, he lives and dies by golf... I don't know how healthy this is for a 13 year old, because he honest spends everyday all day at the golf course. he'll go out and play 9 holes, spend 2 hours on the short game area, go putt for an hour, grab lunch in the grill room and go hit 300 balls, then go play 18 with his father, after that he goes home and watches the golf channel. Obviously not the typical life of a 13 year old. Over the last two years, Eric and I have been giving him lessons a couple times a week. Now all the teaching rests on my shoulders with eric gone. His golf swing is honestly one of the better ones I've ever seen, and for sure the best I've seen at that age. His arc is huge, he's really smooth most of the time, it really makes me shake my head sometimes. His favorite player is Ernie Els, and his swing shows it. So rather than tweaking his swing on the range day in and day out, I instead give him playing lessons. Which is pretty much us two going out and playing 9 holes together, I talk to him about every shot, trying to pick his brain while teaching him how to PLAY golf. I show him how to play different shots in different situations, I talk to him about course management and club selection. We have a blast out there, he's real good with english...but when he gets upset he busts out the french or dutch. I love listening to him speak, his accent is great. His favorite phrase is.. "uuuhhhh la laaaaaaa", lots of times he sings all the popular pop is so funny. He looks up to me so much, and I honest learn a lot from him out there as well. He hits shots that really make me shake my head... he's 13... hits is driver 275yds... 5 iron.. 180yds..... has a amazing short game and can roll the rock. The only slight problem is that he's too much of a perfectionist, if he doesn't make par or birdie he thinks the world is crashing down... I need him to be okay with making a bogey...that will be a huge step.

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