Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Early Waker Syndrome

As many of you know about me, and may hate about me (mostly just eric and Jake shock), I have always gotten up generally pretty early my whole life, In high school...probably not so much, cuz I can remember my mom trying hard to get me out of bed at some points. In college I was always the first one up, after a long night of partying...I would be up at 8am, waking other people up so I had someone to hang out with...they hated it, eric actually would get violent when I came into his room and tried to wake him up...he had a mean straight legged kick it was use on me when I got close to his bed. Now as I have advanced into life as a golf pro, I can't even get up early enough...during the summer, I have to be at work at 6 or 6:30 usually, with a 20 minute drive to work...that means I'm up at like 4:45 or 5. You can't be ok with getting up that early in any world, it is down right brutal, pitch dark... none of this is a huge problem, it is what it is... but there is a problem, a slightly large problem on my day's off. See when I don't have to go into work early, my body clock doesn't get the memo and seems to think that it is ok to get up at 6:30am still....NOT COOL, I have absolutely nothing to do today...I could have slept until 6 fuck 30 in the PM. But no here I am writing this post at 7:21am, after reading the sports page on yahoo... wondering wtf I'm going to do until everyone else wakes up, actually shit, I don't know wtf I'm going to do all day... looks pretty nice out, probably going to go play golf. But right now... I think I'm going to be productive and take a run down to the ocean with Sophie...she hasn't been down there in a couple of weeks and I know she loves it. soooo I'm out, like a fat kid in dodgeball! (btw, I watched a program that was talking about how schools were banning dodgeball....don't know how a feel about that.)

Ps... Sasha won his first tourney of the year yesterday, he shot 79 and birdied the 4th playoff hole to win...I am really proud of him, not sure if I have had that feeling of proudness towards's like he is my son. But he text me after his win to tell me he couldn't have done it without me, that's not true...but a great kid!

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