Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

-Rain rain rain rain rain...fuck rain..Come summertime, just come! I'm beginning to think that it will never be here, it feels like it has been spring for like 4 months on Cape Cod. I got a call from a member today saying that he couldn't make the sox's game tonight, and when he saw that they played the Twins...he thought the only person that'd want to watch Minnesota would be me. They were 5th row tickets right on the 1st baseline. They played a double header today, and it has been raining all day, the 1st game got called in the 7th, and the radar didn't look to good. It's an hour drive up to Boston, not to mention parking and taking the subway to Kenmore Square and Fenway. If there is any chance the game could get rained out, there wasn't any point to make the trek up there... I had to tell him to not save the tickets for me.....obviously the game ended up not getting rained out, but luckily the Twins got pounded, so it was probably a blessing I didn't go to the game. Fenway is such a treat to go to though, so historic and the kettle corn there is like crack.
-Tomorrow is the day that I make my first professional check... gotta make lots of birdies, it's a stableford event... Eagles=5pts Birdies=3 pts Pars=2 Bogeys=1 Doubles or higher=0.... I'm playing at a course on Cape Cod, in Chatham at Eastward Ho!.....and I did not put that exclamation for emphasis, it is actually in the name of the course.... if I was going that route, I'd have to change it to Eastward Hoe!!!!!!! (Check out the pic above, course on Cape Cod are sweet!)
-Miss my friends and family back in the Midwest...sooo ya'll need to start booking your tickets or packing your cars to make the trip out! I'll put you up, so you don't have to pay rent...just a walk from the ocean! Free golf at willowbend as well.... come on people!
-Watched The Wrestler tonight... I enjoyed almost all of it, but the end was can't just end a movie like that. Is it just me or does it seem like it's almost impossible to make a good ending? It seems like every movie makes me wondering why the hell they ended it like that. no?

1 comment:

bobbi said...

We want to come visit you Carson
I have booked a flight for August and he should be arriving the 8th of June to spend the summer idolizing his big cousin...JK....