Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day!

You know summer is almost here when baseball gets going! Today the sox have their home opener, although it is supposed to rain...but as I look out the window there is no rain in the air. Needless to say today is one of the most anticipated days in the state of Massachusetts every year. These people live and die by the blood sox.... I on the other hand am a die hard Twinkie's fan.. the Twins that is! The Twins look to have a stellar squad this year, if their pitching can hold up they should be looking pretty good.. I think they'll sneak up on a lot of people. I'm going to try and catch the Twins vs Sox game coming up in a couple weeks. Yesterday was the busiest day of the year at Willowbend, the day steamed to fly by... so that was great, and it was such a beautiful day.. which made it very hard not to be high on life. After work, our head pro sean, myself, Jonny Escobar and a kid that is a member went out to play 9 holes... we had a good match going, Jonny and I were 1 down going into hole 7, a difficult par 3. I hit a good shot in there to about 15 ft....everyone else missed the green, but last to swing was Jack (the memeber) and the kid steps up hits a shot that is looking good in the air, lands on the green, rolls a couple of feet towards the hole and drops in... We all went crazy, he had just dropped a slick little hole in one. His first ever, so it was pretty cool, although I have to admit I was slightly jealous bc I have yet to make one. I can't wait till the day that I drop one, I'm going to get silly drunk!

Eric and Links are stopping here today, Eric got a job in New Hampshire and is on his way to move he's dropping by the Cape so Links and Sophie can have some play time. Should be a good time!

***Here's a pic of Eric's dog Links a silly little border collie

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