Monday, April 27, 2009

Dick Sheets..... does debbie

Dick Sheets is a man I know, he's not an amazing porn star...but with that name, he damn well should be! Richard Sheets is a starter that works with us at Willowbend, he has worked there for like 12 years. Dude is in his early 80's but so young at heart. I love talking with Dickie at work, whenever he comes into the shop to report something about a group, or tee is always a joke.... "Conrad!!!" he says...(I have worked with him for 3 years now, and he still ends up calling me another name)..He likes going with Calvin, Conrad, Eric or occasionally it gets it right with Carson...once in a blue moon though. In return I try and never call him by his name, I usually call him Rasharrd or Rich..or Dickie...sometimes I even drop a Dickard, that is for special times. Dick has become my grandfather out here, I go and talk to him for advice... I ask him for help at work, and talk to him about women. His stories are amazing. He is the ultimate man.. 5'8'' 160... 82 years old... cuse's like a sailor, but is extreme polite... he grew up in Boston (Roxbury to be exact) a really bad part of town, he was a badass getting in fights with "the blacks" and playing football games back in the day at Fenway Park. One of Dick's stories that I enjoy telling people is the one of where he lived down the street from the Wahlberg's..... Dick told me about how when he was having a neighborhood party at his house one day, the Wahlberg's kids used to come over and swim in his pool, those kids where Mark and Donnie Wahlberg growing up in Dorchester neighborhood in Boston... Dick explained to me one day that he saved Mark Wahlberg's life when he was a toddler, during a party at Dick's house the kids were outside and Mark fell into the pool... Dick was the only one to see this from inside and raced outside to pool Mark from the pool... So there you have it folks, if it wasn't for Dick Sheets, we wouldn't have had entourage or New Kids on the Block! What makes it even more funny is that Dick has no idea how big Mark Wahlberg is...he hasn't seen any movie he has been in, in the last 10 years...he has no idea what Entourage is... or Basketball Diaries. Dick has stories everyday...most of the time I've already heard them, but I still listen... He used to play Scatback for a semi pro team at Fenway Park, He knows tons of celebs and sports starts from working celeb pro am's and what not. He tells me stories about his time on the "tin can" aka Destroyer in the Navy, him going to Korea and messing with asain women...the songs they used to sing and all that crazy shit. I played golf with Dick today at another course that he rangers at, he was on top of his game... bunting it his way along for a beautiful 94...not bad at all... all I can say was that it was a really really fun day out there with him, I road with him in the cat and it was non stop laughs and comedy.... He is a classic Bostonian!

Drinks afterwards are always a pleasure, Eric, Dick Sheets and Myself!

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