Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fall Series Event #1--Eastward Ho!

I have been looking forward to this day for a long time in my life, although on a completely different level... I have dreamt of playing on the PGA for lots of money, today was my first professional tourney...first time playing for a check. Here's how it went...I'll try and make this as short as possible. Being right on the ocean, it was naturally a 30-40 MPH wind... I'm not going to say anything... Stableford Format... eagle=6 birdie=4 Par=2 Bogey=1 Double or higher=0

16th- Teed it up last on the first hole...I like that, seeing everyones drives before I have to hit my first tee shot. I stepped up and ripped one right down the middle, pulled a 7 iron in a greenside bunker... flew my sand shot over the green, into a horrible lie, flew it over the green again back into the bunker..hit it on the green, made the putt..double bogey... If you know me at all as a golfer, you know that this a typical first hole for me....I seem to enjoy putting myself behind the 8ball..... 0pts

17th- Ripped a driver down the middle, it was a short par 5, playing downwind. I hah like 170yrd into the green, hit a solid 8 iron to 20 feet for a good eagle attempt. Bailed out on the putt and tapped in for a birdie...once again this is typical for me, I always seem to fuck up the start in order to kick myself in the ass and make some birdies... 4pts

18th- Ripped a driver just in the right rough, crushed a wedge up the hill to the green..landed on the front and rolled back off the front... knocked my putt from off the green up the hill, leaving it 6 ft short... I stood over that putt for a long time, calmly, right in the heart....2pts

1st-Ripped a 3 wood down the middle, left a wedge short of the green from a blind shot in the fairway..not a very good shot. Once again I putted it from off the front edge, this time again I left it about 6-8ft short... the next one was a testy putt, the ball kept wiggling because of the that is always difficult... but I knocked it in again, right in the middle...2pts

2nd-Ripped a 3 iron right down the middle, the hit a slick little lob wedge in... it has some zip on it so it spun back a little more than I wanted...left me a 25 footer, left the putt just short....tapped in, solid par....2pts

3rd-This is a hole you forgot... real short par 4... skyed my rescue wood.... topped a 9 iron... hit it on the green... 2 putts...bogey......1pt

4th- This was probably one of the toughest par 3 tee shots I had to hit... the hole ran along side a huge cliff that dropped down to the ocean, the wind was blowing so hard out to the ocean it was crazy. I started a 5 iron out left of the green and drawing...until it got grabbed by the wind and drifted all the way to the right of the green, just a bit from the hazard before the cliff. I hit probably the best little pitch of the day, I had 30ft to the hole, with 10ft of green to work real shortsided and the green was super elevated on a steep was tricky, I couldn't have hit a better shot, left it on the lip and tapped in for a green par....2pts

5th- Ripped a driver down the middle, ripped a driver off the deck for my second shot.. quite a ballsy play... left it just left of the green in two on a long par 5... I hit a really get little flop shot again, to about 8 ft... this is the only putt that I should have made, that I didn't... I couldn't connect on the birdie.....2pts

6th-Pushed a drive a little right, actually hit a provisional because I didn't know if I could find it...but it really wasn't in that bad of shape... I hit a great pitching wedge into the green, the pin was on the middle shelf of a tiered green. My shot it just on top of the shelf and caught the hill and came back to the bottom... I got robbed.... I hit a really great putt, made with a little bit too much dipped in the side of the hole, and spun out brutally... I got robbed again...tapped in for par......2pts

7th-170yrd par 3 straight up hill, into the win... I hit a 3 iron, my 220yrd club.. that just shows how much the wind was blowing. Pulled the 3 iron a little left... had to hit another semi flop shot, put it up to 8 ft....once again knocked in the putt... 2pts

8th-Ripped a driver down the middle...hit an 8iron my 160 club from 120... just barely got onto the front of the green, like 70ft from the hole... I actually hit a good putt up, but left myself about 6ft downhill... couldn't connect on the putt... my only 3 putt...1pt

9th- Another hole to was probably played the toughest hole of the day, long par 4 dead into the wind.. ripped a driver down the left side... had to hit a 3 iron from a sidehill lie, couldn't draw it all the way around and left it in the right bunker.. horrible lie...just got it out of the bunker...chipped up to 12 ft and missed the putt... double bogey....0 pts

10th-This is the point I new I needed to turn it on if I wanted to make some $$... it was a long par 3...playing 220yrd, I absolutely killed a 3 iron right at the shot of the day...smoothly dropped in a slick downhill putt for birdie. I was the only one to birdie the hole all day...what does that mean? $$$$$$$kin$$$$ won an $80 skin for that....4pts

11th-Ripped a driver...ripped a 3 wood...hit a stellar low spinner into the green to about 15 ft below the hole...I should have made this putt, but left it out right and tapped in for par....2pts

12th-Ripped a driver down the middle, pulled a 8 iron way left...didn't really have anything, pitched it up, but couldn't stop rolled off the side of the green...I knocked the putt from off the green up to 5 ft.... and knocked it in for bogey... 1pts

13th-Ripped a driver down the middle, hit a sweet little lob wedge to a front pin..into about 4 ft... this was a big putt for birdie, with only 2 holes left...I snuck it in the side door on the right...scary..... bridei....4pts

14th-Ripped driver down the middle, hit a stock lob wedge to 25ft...easy 2 putt par....2pts

15th- The last hole, was the easiest par 3 of the day, playing straight downhill with a little backstop behind the pin...I hit a great pitching wedge in there from 145yrd to about 12ft... this birdie putt turned out to be crucial... I played too much break and missed it, but an easy tap in par to finish the day....2pts

I ended up with, 14pts on the front... 21 on the back...35pts....
I took 2nd place out of 38... I was very happy
My partner and I won the blind draw pro-pro..
I won the skin...overall won around $450... so it was a pretty successful day...
I'm gettin really tired now...if you haven't noticed in my shortness... i gotta sleep... sorry ya'll.... love you night!
****tourney website...stats...scorecards...***

1 comment:

deborah said...

Good job on your first pro outing!-proud of my boy!