Friday, April 17, 2009

Steve's Pizza vs. Ballaholics

Game last night was instant classic! The first half of the game was dismal for Steve's Pizza and myself... we were down ten and I was 0-0 and only play 7 minutes or so.. I suck at sticking on the bench, I'm like the worst bench sitter' in the Midwest. Sitting on the bench in a 25 and up, rec league game is the equivalent of getting assigned to reading "US weekly" in your monthly book club. I just sit there with a blank ass look on my face...shock. I came into the game with 15 mins left in the game, we were down 6. I scored 10 straight, got 2 steals and brought our team back, I was like a modern day Pistol Pete... I was like... BBGun Pete. I was determined to not lose this game... fyi The "Ballaholics" is the name of Ryan's team that we lost to in the preseason game, conveniently Ryan was out of town and missed the game. By the way, how horrible is the name "Ballaholics" for a rec league basketball team. With intermurals and rec league teams I have quite the names of teams I've played on... (TIC, Lohan's Team, Hibachi, Steve's Pizza, Gloppa's Team) hahah No matter what you pick for your name to a team it always sounds retarded. Okay, back to the game... It was a tight contest down the stretch, I played really good and kept us in the game at times. I scored 18 points in the last 15 minutes, and got 4 of which came with ten seconds left and led to a layup as we were down by 2. They ended up hitting a buzzer beater to tie up the game, the shot was straight Christian Laettner...(ya Madeline, I know your loving that one SEE PICTURE ABOVE) So after the scrub hit the shot, we went to overtime... We played good, I knocked down 2 free throws to lock up the game with seconds remain. Steve's Pizza goes to 2-0.

----I believe I made my settings, so that anyone can post comments don't have to have an account now, maybe i'm incorrect..but give it a try.

-----I think I'm going to start a new concept on the blog, I'm having trouble finding things to post about on the daily... so I think I'm going to start some Person Profiles, just doing a profile on people in my life...these are going to be comical explanations of people in my life. I think it will be very fun, and you never might be next on Person Profiles...It's going to be random how I throw people up, so in other words it will be...."In no particular order"

1 comment:

Madeline said...

I love that picture...