Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Steve's Pizza

It is a sign of my aging years, that I will this weekend begin my first stint in Adult Rec League Basketball. I was asked to join up with a team a couple of weeks ago, I know a couple guys on the team..but most of them I don't know, so it should be interesting. But with our first game on Thursday I was called up this weekend and told that I had practice at 5 on Monday. It took a second to hit me... practice? I have practice? What is this? This is a Rec League, like a 4 team, 8 game rec league. wow..... "practice" I don't think would be necessary.

"We talking about PRACTICE......not a game not a game not a game....but we talking about Practice...and I'm supposed to be your francise player...and we talking about PRACTICE" Classic Iverson

But these guys seem to be pretty stoked to play in this league, at practice we ran through the "O" for the new guys (me)... unreal, middle aged guys taking this so seriously. I'm the only one on our team that is under 25, most of the guys are around 30 or so. But for real, there was one dude conducting the "practice" and he was going all out, yelling out orders to show the offense. I dunno about this...I just laughed, he was trying to explain where I needed to be on different sets and whatnot.. talking to be like I didn't know basketball, they run a classic swing offense, although they don't know it...it is them same sets that Bo Ryan uses at Wisco...and that I ran with my YMCA team in 8th grade. That's kind of sad that I still remember the offense I ran in 8th grade... Anyways this league should be interesting, I'm looking forward to playing some competitive basketball again. The one thing that is pretty sweet about this whole deal, which I didn't know going into it... Is that the team that I'm on is sponsored by a local pizza place, Steve's Pizza. So they threw in $400 for us to play in the league, and I have to give $20 for a sweet ass Steve's Pizza jersey. Not a bad deal at all...but here is the kicker......after the games......free pizza and beer back at the Pizza place. I'm liking the sound of that. Peace ya'lll

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is he real?

I watched the last 5 holes of the tournament today.... It was Tiger's 3rd tournament back, i believe, from almost a year off. Before the round started, I talked to a couple people and told them that I thought Tiger would come back from the 5 shot deficit he faced going into the final round. I said this hoping Tiger would get it close within a couple holes, and it would be a good finish, I said this on Tiger's reputation alone. To make a long story short, it came down to the last hole...one putt... 22 feet or so. If anyone that follows golf was watching, they knew that was going to happen. They had seen this ending before, maybe in the US Open, or the Palmer last year. This year was going to be different, Tiger has been "rusty", he wouldn't have the same magic, he bogeyed 17 after having a one shot lead. All that aside, Tiger had one putt... I told JC there was no doubt what was going to happen. My father was thinking the same thing, no doubt...everytime Tiger has something on the line, and we are watching it together, he looks at me and says, "this is in!". There is no one else in sports that is so clutch, Jordan maybe...but Jordan missed... Tiger just doesn't miss, he really doesn't ever miss...when he HAS to make it. Why doesn't his ball ever hit a mark and bounce of line in these clutch moments? You ever notice that? His putts, just always find the cup..one way or another...chip, sand shot, or putt, it finds the cup when it needs to. There is either someone looking down on him and the game of golf (Earl? Jones? Hogan?) But we should all realize that we are watching something special... We are watching a human with the ability, that we will never see again. Don't take this time for granted, please, I realized that I've just come to expect this shit from him. Only to sit back and realize that I'll never ever no matter what...see moments like this, putts like this....or shots like that......

~Eastbound and Down~

Alright...I'm going to make this a quick one, considering I had a little bit too much of grandpa's old cough medicine playing beer pong with JC and having great conversations late into the night with Mabee and J. JC made the trip down to the Cape from Connecticut so we could all get together for a night. Mabee, JC and I have had some very memorable nights together in college. Werch decided to be a bum and go to bed early... It would have been an epic night if he would have stayed up for some boozing. Anyways it was a great night, whenever we all get back together its like to time we've spent apart has been nothing. We're just right back to the same old shit, when we get together, that's why I love these guys.

Alright if you haven't seen Will Farrell's new show, Eastbound and Down on HBO yet...you are completely missing you, check it out ON DEMAND... you will love it, although very vulgar it is non stop laughs. Check out this video to get a taste of the show.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Video of the Day! 3/27

Ayyyyyy Bayyyyy Bayyyyyyyy!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Guest Post: Roommate, Ryan Werch

Tonite the gang reunited at the roo bar downtown falmouth. It was a very pleasant time until the bitch across from us decided to waltz in with her checkerboard coat on. Eric, Carson, and myself were having before dinner drinks and we overheard her saying she couldn't believe anyone would come into this place not looking nice and dressed up( while her and her "date" turned and looked at us as Carson had his hat backwards, although we all looked nice). I mean seriously, this chick was straight up beat. Meanwhile, us three looked like straight studs. Groomed nicely and dressed to impress. I wanted to kill her with my bare hands, they were def talking about us. You should have seen the fella she was with. The guy looked like a complete shit head. Real thin, but was wearing a real tight shirt like he was baaaaaaad ass. Seriously would have destroyed that kid, but didn't want to make a scene. Anyway...great night, watching some ncaa hoop and talking about old times. This chick is still on all our nerves, we went on to make loud jokes about her all night, I'm sure she and our waitress enjoyed it. That's all I got for now...Laaaaaaaaaaaaate

Ryan Werch

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kid after the Dentist...

***Here's a little comic relief....it never gets old...."Is this going to be.....forever?"
Just checking to see if I know how to post videos now...it could evolve the blog big time!
Thank you Mr. Jim Christianson

Prayers to Fargo and all of Northern MN an ND

Water has taken over much of Fargo Moorhead and all over northwest MN and eastern ND... it seems like every year my family is battling the raging red river, its almost become a part of their spring. I remember as a young kid living in the area going over to my aunt and uncles to sandbag. Well this year seems to be an expection... not only is it flooding, but it's looking to be a well above record river levels. I think the worst flood since the mid 1800's. My family has been sandbagging for a couple days now, begging for help from anyone... These are the days I wish I was living back in the Midwest, so I could join the battle and help. I talked to my mother about it today, and we both came to the consensus that there are worst things that could happen in life, although the loss of materials and damage to households. Remember the loved ones that you still have in your life and the fact that no one is dying here (hopefully). This is easy for me to say, considering I haven't had to deal with it personally... this may be true. But I believe that things could always be worse.... That aside.... Water is a bitch...you don't think about it, but seriously water is a badass mofo. There isn't much that can stop it when it gets flowing and it can cause just as much damage as any other natural villain. Well just wanted to say that everyone touched by the flood are in my thoughts, and big ups to all that are helping out!

*picture from Noaanews.com

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Byron Russell vs. Michael Jordan

I got home today from work to Ryan walking out the door to go play some bball at the courts down by the ocean.. He waited so I could join him in some hoop. This turned out be be the worst thing he could have done. Time to set the scene..... Ryan is arguably the best basketball player I've played with in my lfie, he dominated in high school, four year starter, led his high school to state tourney's, ended up the all time school leader in points and I believe assists maybe even steals. This led him to being recruited by then Utah University coach Rick Majerus. (Majerus once came to his house for dinner on a recruiting visit and proceeded to eat a whole pan of Grandma Werch's Apple Crisp, along with everything else in their household ahhah no but he really did eat the whole pan) Anyways Ryan went on to getting a scholarship to Utah, only to transfer to UWGB after a semester due to fear of being eaten by Majerus and the fact he was surrounded by mormon's. This is where our friendship began to flourish. He played for GB for 3 years and yadayadaya...the point here is he played 4 years of Division 1 bball against great competition. Now let me tell you about my bball career. In high school an epic career of varsity ball... I scored 26 points....in my career. Only to quit after a year because of the abuse from Mr. Boyce Hodge (see march 10 post). Anyways, I went on to play 4 years of D1 Intramurals...actually freshman year I played "B" league intramurals, where I once scored 47 points in an classic double overtime playoff thriller....only to get ejected in the first half of our championship came, one of my two career intramural ejections. Eventually I went on to be the most winningest intramural player in University of Green Bay History, having won 2 "A" league championships and getting my Pinnie retired and raised to the rafters. That should let you know the kind of games that Ryan and I have...

Just so you know, we play make it..take it.... so if you can hit some shots, you can jump out to a good lead. And fyi when I play Ryan...I got 140%, because that's my only chance...while he goes about 76%, until he gets down..then he goes 87%... if he went 100% I wouldn't touch the ball, and he would probably murder me....literally

Game 1: Complete domination... Ryan killshowed me... 11-2.... My moral was down, I just couldn't hit a shot.

Game 2: Complete domination....Ryan killshowed me once again... 11-4.... I was down and out.

Game 3: It was a hard fought battle, I took a large lead with a couple 3's I was up like 7-2... Ryan came back got the game close but I hit a couple rainmakers and closed him out 11-7.

***At this point 5 hispanic kids began playing at the other hoop, which was somewhat distracting because of how bad they were, I mean they were spitting the loudest most ridic spanglish that I've heard... Hispanic's just shouldn't be on the bball court (no offense to anyone of hispanic dissent), but how many hispanic's do you see in the NBA? Yes you see some spaniards, but these cats had to have been from MeHiiiCoooo, because their game was silly bad.

Game 4: I jumped out to a 7-2 lead or so... Ryan began to tighten up his D, I think I hit a 3 to make it 9-4...he tied it up and we battle back and forth for awhile...I think the score was like 12-11 and I threw up a one handed fall away and found the net to win the game.

Game 5: At this point, I was tired, happy to have just won the last two...it was already a moral victory... but I went hard as ever..I jumped out to an early lead 3-1...Ryan couldn't hit a shot, he even missed a couple contested lay ups (I told him this was because he was scared of me blocking his shit, this was the extent of my shit talking)... I ended up hitting another 3... the score now 5-1... he got the ball scored a hoop 5-2... then I began to throw daggers, i hit back to back 3's to make it 9-2... He scored a couple of buckets and missed an open jumper. The score=9-5...I then took the giant down with back to back buckets. Ryan swore loudly, and slyly smiled....

Now let me tell you...this is probably the last time I will ever beat him... because after reading this he will never go easy on me at any point. But it's all fun and games folks.. today I win, probably the last time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

See.... Look!

Ryan and I just ran down to the ocean...the wind is gusting at about 35 MPH, it's fun running downwind...and like your dragging a dead body when your running into the wind... I made it the whole 1.5 miles down to the ocean without walking....thus leading me to sitting on the beach for 5 mins, contemplating why I do this? But after catching my breath, I feel refreshed and ready to run another half mile or so...only problem is it's another mile after that home...so it's a grind...but this time, something very tragic happened on the beach....... dunnnnn duuuuunnnnn daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Guess what it was????????????


Lazy days....

The days recently have been a bore, the reason for this seems to be a combination of things. The weather recently on cape has been shitty, days seem to be sunny, windy and chilly... not a real great combination because the sun makes it look like its nice from the inside, which in turn gets your hopes up. You walk outside and get hit in the jaw with a sea breeze and the chill hits you. It's garbage, because the weather is not on point for this time of year, this means that there is no one playing golf on a daily basis. Which makes my days at work even longer, and my 40 hour weeks seem like 400. There is a difference in 40 hour weeks when your on the grind, running around all day... compared to when your stuck in the pro shop all day. It makes me tired, I come home and just am a bum. My days off are Monday and Tuesday, two days of the week that no one wants to do anything. I'm looking forward to the summer nights that I can walk down to the RooBar and see the place hopping. Bars are empty these days, the Cape needs Summer to come and all the crazy bullshit tourist that come along with it. Tourist suck, but then again they make everything more interesting. I need something to spice up my life these days, maybe a turn in the weather or a beautiful women to walk into my life? ahhhhhhh that'd be nice, but not needed... I'm cool just chillin, but something needs to evolve!

Here is a picture to remind everyone that summer is near!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quiet Night

It's a lonely night at 160 Palmer Ave. tonight, Lissie went to Texas to visit someone and Ryan and his girlfriend Megan are spending the night in NYC.... So tonight, Sophie and I hang out in a dark quiet house.. I'm about to pop in a movie and probably fall asleep half way through, typical shit. The only question is what movie will I watch? I'm thinking Mystic River... Into the Wild... or maybe Goodfellas...tough choices! The tourney starts tomorrow, so we can all watch some great basketball games for 4 days straight. It makes work go by a lot faster when there are games on all day. My Final 4 picks= Louisville, Pitt, Gonzaga, UCONN..... The Zag's are a long shot! Movie time ya'll....

How could you not want to just lay with her?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day

Merry St. Patty's day!!!! Probably one of the biggest drinking days of the year, a great time to celebrate the beautiful gift of beer. You can drink green beer or classic dark lager's... although I have to go to work tomorrow I shall try and go down to the local irish pub Liam Maguire's! I heard it is going to be packed, so we'll see about that. Probably the most fun I've had on St. Patty's day was in Chicago when Eric and I were in town staying with my sister, it was a blast, Chicago is always a good time for St. Patty's!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rannnnnndddddyyyyyyy Mosss Folks!

God I love this guy.... Dude is just a straight up stud. hahahhahaaa Comical... Smokin' those Black and Mild!

Best Game Ever?

The last game at Madison Squared Garden last night quite possibly could go down as one of the best college basketball games ever... This is high praise. I watched most of the game, shortly after 11:00 I went to my bed to watch the rest and fall asleep, the last I remember there was about 2 mins left in the game. To set the scene, my room is our living room, I own the only TV in the house and my room is huge...so we all watch TV in here, and often I go to sleep with Ryan still watching TV.... I woke up to Ry going crazy after Eric "8 mile" Devendorf hit the shot that didn't win the game..ha As the first overtime started I drifted back to sleep... "SIX OVERTIMES!" that's what I woke up to as Ryan left my room after the game... I was in a daze, not really realizing what he meant by that...he left the room and I remember not being able to comprehend what had happened. If only I knew what had really happened, I checked the internet when I woke up in the morning and simply shook my head. I slept on one of the best games ever..... shit.... after watching all of the amazing highlights, I agreed...this game was special and how the F did UCONN not make one of the shots they had at the end of most of the first five overtimes? Needless to say, this was a great game and a brilliant start to March Madness...mark my words this is going to be some special basketball these next few weeks. You'll remember this tourney for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bed Post...

What do you think about before you go to bed? Do you think about that special somebody? Your family and loved ones? Your hopes and dreams? What is going to happen to you tomorrow, next year, the rest of your life? I was preparing to go to bed, brushing my teeth... and I though these questions. As I lay in bed every night, often times for a long span of time. I struggle to sleep, my mind constantly races... But I don't think of that special somebody, my family rarely crosses my mind, dreams...no, the future...not really. I think about everything, and nothing at the same time..I think about the most random shit, and I have a habit of rehearsing events that may take place tomorrow or maybe never again, I rehearse my reaction to the winning of the powerball...I worry about random shit, nothing of any importance. I lay in bed at night, waiting...for something, I don't know what...but it's just like i'm waiting. You know that feeling, or the thoughts going through your head when your waiting for an appointment or even in traffic...I can't tell you what I think about. Sometimes I dream about the future and the way I wish it was, the people I wish I could see, or speak to...but it makes me float away from reality, which is disaster. Stay grounded...that's what I try, take one day at a time, don't get ahead of yourself..it will hold you back, be happy for what you have, but still want more.
I'm going to think about that one on this pillow....night

Sophie doesn't think about much when she sleeps, just how happy she is to be on this bed...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Congrats Coach Hodge

I would like to say congratulations to Madison West Basketball Coach Boyce Wayne Hodge, he did something he had never done before. For the first time in his glorious career, he literally lost the game for the team.... after they won they game.

Courtesy of Madison Channel 3000-
MADISON, Wis. -- Madison West High School has pulled its boys basketball team out of the state Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association tournament this weekend. The team has forfeited its first round win over Baraboo High School. Madison Metropolitan School District spokesman Ken Syke said the forfeiture, which is in accordance with WIAA guidelines, is a result of at least one ineligible West player participating in that game.

The ineligibility is due to an academic violation, according to the Madison Metropolitan School District.
Syke said West High School administrators fully investigated the information as soon as it came to their attention and then concluded that the game against Baraboo should be forfeited.
West High School's team was seeded No. 13 and had defeated Baraboo, the No. 4 seed in the bracket, by a score of 46-44. Now, Baraboo will advance in the tournament.

This comes as no surprise to anyone with any knowledge of the the basketball program at West High, as a former player, I can honestly say that I am positive that numerous players have played while being academically ineligible. But either Coach Hodge has "taken care" of it, or magically the player becomes eligible before the game. Hopefully this will finally be the end of his coaching career. I feel very badly for the kids that won this game, it must have been an extremely exciting event and to have that taken away because of a coach's oblivious nature is terrible. He's already hurt enough kids in one way or another over his career, including me.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Comic Relief!

This is a great picture from probably 2 years ago.... Good friends, Good people, Good Costumes

I was Denim Dan or The Canadian Tuxedo

March Madness

The middle of March is one of the best times of year, it rivals thanksgiving and is definitely better than Halloween. The reason this time of year is so great, is because of March Madness and the NCAA Championship.... this tournament is so much better than any other playoff in sports. The Masters I think is my favorite sporting event of the year, followed closely by the NCAA tournament. I believe this year is going to be one of best tournaments in memory, there are so many teams that can win. Selection Sunday is next weekend, hoping to see Minnesota, Wisco to get in...don't think either of them will make much of a splash. The teams that I think can make a big run in the tourney not including all of the obvious choices, here are some of my sleeper teams(trust me): Kansas( Collins is one of the best guards in the country, he can carry this team, don't forget about big Minnesota boy down low), Gonzaga( talant all over the court, experienced, Heytvelt is a bad man), ASU( James Harden is a beast). BIG SLEEPER: VCU( Maynor is a slick PG). Today's Projection to Win the Tourney (subject to change): Louisville

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mother Nature Got That Good Shit

Ever noticed that when that first day of spring rolls around, or any warm weather that follows a cold spell... people walk out their doors in the morning and are just high as hell, they are straight floating. Mother Nature gives them a hit of the most beautiful shit. The feeling you get when that 55 degree air hits your skin is sweet, the air you breath in makes you float. It seems like thats all anyone wants to talk about, enjoying this beautiful day. It's almost pathetic, but at the same time amazing. Is there any other event in nature that gives you this boost. A sunset or sunrise? The evolution of trees in the fall? The endless view of the ocean? If mother nature could just get rid of the bitch called winter. Step up your game mamaaaaa

****By the way, I wrote my posting before picking a picture to also grace the posting... I picked the picture thinking nothing of what I wrote, but for it to simply be something about Spring. In hind sight.... It's completely ironic that I mention "shit" in the title, and numerous times in the posting. But never do I literally mean "shit" as in poop, at any point in this point. It was just a beautiful and hilarious coincidence... sorry? haaa

Friday, March 6, 2009


The Nimrod is where it's at... It's also and old wooden ship, ha..... The Nimrod was our choice for dinner tonight, ryan and I made a nice little reservation for two. We had never been there before, we are trying to spice it up and check out restaurants we have never been too. This was an old mansion that had been converted, it was slick inside, but we mos def were the only people under the age of 60. And we got asked if we were coast guard or in the service twice, just because we both have those shaved domes. I had a wicked good salad, yaaa I ate a salad! Why do people question you when you say you've had a salad? Because I'm male? shiiitttt Men like the green too.... I like the green, salad... How ahhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaa? we enjoyed hearing that about ten times throughout dinner. We brilliantly brought a $1o off coupon for dinner, only to brilliantly remember the coupon as we were walking out the door. We'll see The Nimrod another time huh.. Sophie just realized something i hung up on the wall right above my bed about a month ago.. How was she so oblivious... shhe's a fucking dog.

Went for a run today, this is one of my favorite places in Falmouth, I like to sit on this bench everytime I run down the bike path. The quietness and view over this little bay is classic. This is the place that I find my inner peace...lol shit is deep

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eyes Low..

Bout to go to bed...shut my eyes and daze into some wild dream that makes absolutely no sense, only to wake up to a smile saying, "wow that was great"

Gophers won, thanks to Leandro Barbosa look a like, Lawrence Westbrook! check it out!?!??!

Work was Work
Life is Good
I'll Sleep Easy

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Into Reality...

Work today was good...Work never tends to be as bad as you'd think, until the middle of the summer when it's just a straight grind. It was great to see my fellow co workers that I truly really enjoy working with, I don't value great co workers as much as I should...Do you? How refreshing is it to come to work, and work with people you can call your friends? Ryan wants me to let all you guys know, that I tried to go on a run with him today, but didn't make it far...because "I'm overweight and my back hurt too much" (he says it in love.....I think). Magnolia Lane is just around the corner folks, will the Tiger be tamed? I think not, but I'd love to see Kim, Garcia, Villegas, or McIIroy!

Big game tonight Badgers VS Hoeeeeffffffer's!

Go Golden Goph!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back to Reality...

The Past 3 months have flown by, this can be seen in my inability to post on this blog... I've been MIA for too long, I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, no pun intended... But I'm back to work tomorrow, it should be an interesting start to the season. It will be quiet for the next 2 months, but in a matter of time the snow birds will be back. I've spent the last 3 months in hibernation, often in front of the TV with Sophie, wasting days with films and wasting nights with friends. It was great to see friends and family that I haven't seen in years, it makes me remember how much I love them, and cherish their presence in my life! Now if only I could see them more, get out to the east coast people!

Here is Sophie loving life on the ocean!