Friday, March 27, 2009

Guest Post: Roommate, Ryan Werch

Tonite the gang reunited at the roo bar downtown falmouth. It was a very pleasant time until the bitch across from us decided to waltz in with her checkerboard coat on. Eric, Carson, and myself were having before dinner drinks and we overheard her saying she couldn't believe anyone would come into this place not looking nice and dressed up( while her and her "date" turned and looked at us as Carson had his hat backwards, although we all looked nice). I mean seriously, this chick was straight up beat. Meanwhile, us three looked like straight studs. Groomed nicely and dressed to impress. I wanted to kill her with my bare hands, they were def talking about us. You should have seen the fella she was with. The guy looked like a complete shit head. Real thin, but was wearing a real tight shirt like he was baaaaaaad ass. Seriously would have destroyed that kid, but didn't want to make a scene. Anyway...great night, watching some ncaa hoop and talking about old times. This chick is still on all our nerves, we went on to make loud jokes about her all night, I'm sure she and our waitress enjoyed it. That's all I got for now...Laaaaaaaaaaaaate

Ryan Werch

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