Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Into Reality...

Work today was good...Work never tends to be as bad as you'd think, until the middle of the summer when it's just a straight grind. It was great to see my fellow co workers that I truly really enjoy working with, I don't value great co workers as much as I should...Do you? How refreshing is it to come to work, and work with people you can call your friends? Ryan wants me to let all you guys know, that I tried to go on a run with him today, but didn't make it far...because "I'm overweight and my back hurt too much" (he says it in love.....I think). Magnolia Lane is just around the corner folks, will the Tiger be tamed? I think not, but I'd love to see Kim, Garcia, Villegas, or McIIroy!

Big game tonight Badgers VS Hoeeeeffffffer's!

Go Golden Goph!

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