Friday, March 13, 2009

Best Game Ever?

The last game at Madison Squared Garden last night quite possibly could go down as one of the best college basketball games ever... This is high praise. I watched most of the game, shortly after 11:00 I went to my bed to watch the rest and fall asleep, the last I remember there was about 2 mins left in the game. To set the scene, my room is our living room, I own the only TV in the house and my room is we all watch TV in here, and often I go to sleep with Ryan still watching TV.... I woke up to Ry going crazy after Eric "8 mile" Devendorf hit the shot that didn't win the game..ha As the first overtime started I drifted back to sleep... "SIX OVERTIMES!" that's what I woke up to as Ryan left my room after the game... I was in a daze, not really realizing what he meant by that...he left the room and I remember not being able to comprehend what had happened. If only I knew what had really happened, I checked the internet when I woke up in the morning and simply shook my head. I slept on one of the best games ever..... shit.... after watching all of the amazing highlights, I agreed...this game was special and how the F did UCONN not make one of the shots they had at the end of most of the first five overtimes? Needless to say, this was a great game and a brilliant start to March Madness...mark my words this is going to be some special basketball these next few weeks. You'll remember this tourney for the rest of your life.

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