Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Steve's Pizza

It is a sign of my aging years, that I will this weekend begin my first stint in Adult Rec League Basketball. I was asked to join up with a team a couple of weeks ago, I know a couple guys on the team..but most of them I don't know, so it should be interesting. But with our first game on Thursday I was called up this weekend and told that I had practice at 5 on Monday. It took a second to hit me... practice? I have practice? What is this? This is a Rec League, like a 4 team, 8 game rec league. wow..... "practice" I don't think would be necessary.

"We talking about PRACTICE......not a game not a game not a game....but we talking about Practice...and I'm supposed to be your francise player...and we talking about PRACTICE" Classic Iverson

But these guys seem to be pretty stoked to play in this league, at practice we ran through the "O" for the new guys (me)... unreal, middle aged guys taking this so seriously. I'm the only one on our team that is under 25, most of the guys are around 30 or so. But for real, there was one dude conducting the "practice" and he was going all out, yelling out orders to show the offense. I dunno about this...I just laughed, he was trying to explain where I needed to be on different sets and whatnot.. talking to be like I didn't know basketball, they run a classic swing offense, although they don't know it...it is them same sets that Bo Ryan uses at Wisco...and that I ran with my YMCA team in 8th grade. That's kind of sad that I still remember the offense I ran in 8th grade... Anyways this league should be interesting, I'm looking forward to playing some competitive basketball again. The one thing that is pretty sweet about this whole deal, which I didn't know going into it... Is that the team that I'm on is sponsored by a local pizza place, Steve's Pizza. So they threw in $400 for us to play in the league, and I have to give $20 for a sweet ass Steve's Pizza jersey. Not a bad deal at all...but here is the kicker......after the games......free pizza and beer back at the Pizza place. I'm liking the sound of that. Peace ya'lll

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