Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lazy days....

The days recently have been a bore, the reason for this seems to be a combination of things. The weather recently on cape has been shitty, days seem to be sunny, windy and chilly... not a real great combination because the sun makes it look like its nice from the inside, which in turn gets your hopes up. You walk outside and get hit in the jaw with a sea breeze and the chill hits you. It's garbage, because the weather is not on point for this time of year, this means that there is no one playing golf on a daily basis. Which makes my days at work even longer, and my 40 hour weeks seem like 400. There is a difference in 40 hour weeks when your on the grind, running around all day... compared to when your stuck in the pro shop all day. It makes me tired, I come home and just am a bum. My days off are Monday and Tuesday, two days of the week that no one wants to do anything. I'm looking forward to the summer nights that I can walk down to the RooBar and see the place hopping. Bars are empty these days, the Cape needs Summer to come and all the crazy bullshit tourist that come along with it. Tourist suck, but then again they make everything more interesting. I need something to spice up my life these days, maybe a turn in the weather or a beautiful women to walk into my life? ahhhhhhh that'd be nice, but not needed... I'm cool just chillin, but something needs to evolve!

Here is a picture to remind everyone that summer is near!

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