Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bed Post...

What do you think about before you go to bed? Do you think about that special somebody? Your family and loved ones? Your hopes and dreams? What is going to happen to you tomorrow, next year, the rest of your life? I was preparing to go to bed, brushing my teeth... and I though these questions. As I lay in bed every night, often times for a long span of time. I struggle to sleep, my mind constantly races... But I don't think of that special somebody, my family rarely crosses my mind,, the future...not really. I think about everything, and nothing at the same time..I think about the most random shit, and I have a habit of rehearsing events that may take place tomorrow or maybe never again, I rehearse my reaction to the winning of the powerball...I worry about random shit, nothing of any importance. I lay in bed at night, waiting...for something, I don't know what...but it's just like i'm waiting. You know that feeling, or the thoughts going through your head when your waiting for an appointment or even in traffic...I can't tell you what I think about. Sometimes I dream about the future and the way I wish it was, the people I wish I could see, or speak to...but it makes me float away from reality, which is disaster. Stay grounded...that's what I try, take one day at a time, don't get ahead of will hold you back, be happy for what you have, but still want more.
I'm going to think about that one on this pillow....night

Sophie doesn't think about much when she sleeps, just how happy she is to be on this bed...

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