Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prayers to Fargo and all of Northern MN an ND

Water has taken over much of Fargo Moorhead and all over northwest MN and eastern ND... it seems like every year my family is battling the raging red river, its almost become a part of their spring. I remember as a young kid living in the area going over to my aunt and uncles to sandbag. Well this year seems to be an expection... not only is it flooding, but it's looking to be a well above record river levels. I think the worst flood since the mid 1800's. My family has been sandbagging for a couple days now, begging for help from anyone... These are the days I wish I was living back in the Midwest, so I could join the battle and help. I talked to my mother about it today, and we both came to the consensus that there are worst things that could happen in life, although the loss of materials and damage to households. Remember the loved ones that you still have in your life and the fact that no one is dying here (hopefully). This is easy for me to say, considering I haven't had to deal with it personally... this may be true. But I believe that things could always be worse.... That aside.... Water is a don't think about it, but seriously water is a badass mofo. There isn't much that can stop it when it gets flowing and it can cause just as much damage as any other natural villain. Well just wanted to say that everyone touched by the flood are in my thoughts, and big ups to all that are helping out!

*picture from

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